pt. forty-three

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My throat suddenly goes dry at the sight of Felix sitting up, rubbing his eyes to wake himself up better. I look at Florence next to me, feeling my pulse in my ears and my hands start to get sweaty.

However, I instantly calm when she gives me a reassuring smile along with a squeeze on my hand.

Looking back at the sleepy Felix, he looks between us and his parents, waiting for us to say something. Florence breaks the awkward silence that followed his question, putting me and her parents at ease.

"Me and Jinnie are... together." she tells him carefully, like she's scared of his reaction, like me.

I lower my eyes to the floor when his eyes shoot to mine as I can't bear the suspense in this room.

"Together?" Felix repeats, like he wants confirmation or he doesn't believe what he's hearing.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend." Florence gives him the truth but he doesn't reply.

Cautiously, I look up at him. I expect him to have a dirty look on his face or one that I can't work out, but I'm surprised when he has a smile on his face that reveals his perfect teeth.

"I mean... it is a bit weird but I can work with it." he giggles and jumps up off the sofa, waking up Changbin in the process, and bounces over to hug us both with each arm.

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding and I can finally relax now Felix knows.

After that little moment, we spent the rest of the evening watching Christmas films and drinking hot chocolate whilst wearing cozy pyjamas. Tomorrow's Christmas Eve and I couldn't be more excited, I get to spend it with my favourite people. Even if there's guilt about my own family in the back of my mind, I still enjoy cuddling with my girlfriend on the sofa watching Elf.

Eventually, we all grew sleepy and we decided to head to bed. Felix and Changbin in Felix's room and me and Florence in Florence's room. I know I have my own room in this massive house but I'd rather sleep with Florence, and also the fact that I have a single bed whereas Florence has a double is another reason.

"I didn't expect Lix to be that happy." Florence admits in a low voice, laying her head on my chest once we're under the warm covers.

I give a small laugh and run my fingers through her hair. "Me neither, I was shitting myself."

She laughs at my sentence, not replying but leaning up to give me a peck on the lips instead. I pout with a frown when that's all she gives me and she giggles, a slight blush creeping on her cheeks, before giving me another kiss but slightly longer than the first one.

I'll never get bored of her kisses, my lips tingle every time I feel her soft lips on mine. Even if she's very inexperienced, she's not as innocent as I thought she was.

"Happy Christmas Eve." I mumble in Florence's ear when I feel her shift in front of me. Our limbs are tangled together, my arm wrapped around her waist and my face buried in her neck.

Goosebumps erupt on her skin and a small smirk appears on my lips. I place a feathery kiss on the back of her neck which makes her turn around to face me, a smile on her face.

"Happy Christmas Eve." she says back with a cute smile and gives me a small kiss.

"How are you feeling?" she then asks me which makes me confused and she notices. "About your parents." she delicately says, running her hand through my hair which makes me hum and close my eyes.

"I think I'm okay, I've decided I'm gonna text them tomorrow." I tell her and her hand pauses in my hair which makes me open my eyes to see her eyes are wide, mouth parted slightly.

"Really?" surprise spreads across her features and I nod, smiling at her cuteness.

"I don't want to avoid them anymore. I've had my time away from them, I think I'm ready." I give her my honesty whilst bringing my hand up to stoke her cheek.

She leans in, giving me another long but sweet kiss. "I'm proud of you." she then whispers, when we break apart, which makes my heart skip.

However, our moment is cut short by Felix banging on the door, telling us to wake up and go down for breakfast.

As a Christmas tradition of the Lee family, on Christmas eve we visit Felix and Florence's grandparents for dinner. It also became a tradition for me to visit Florence and Felix on Christmas eve and have Christmas day at my own home.

Even if I can't do that now, I'll still have an amazing time with my girlfriend and her family.

After dragging ourselves out of Florence's extremely comfortable bed, we head downstairs in our matching plaid pyjamas that she bought us before coming here. We would wear fluffy socks too, however, we're in Australia and wearing fluffy socks in this extremely hot weather isn't the best idea.

We all eat our breakfast, which is pancakes with a range of different fruit and other toppings, before heading back upstairs to start getting ready.

"I'm going for a shower, wanna join?" I tease Florence whilst I grab a plain t-shirt with some shorts from my suitcase. I watch her freeze in her spot, mouth dropped open and eyes glued to me. 

I giggle at her reaction and walk up to her to give her a kiss on the lips but she stays frozen, her lips unmoving. "I'm joking." I mumble against them and pinch her cheek before walking out of her room to the bathroom.

Nothing else sexual has happened after our first time together and I don't mind. I want it to happen naturally, not forced. Being the first person she's ever had sex with was scary for me, but I also felt special that I'm the only one she gets to experience these things with. Before we were boyfriend and girlfriend, I was petrified that she'd find someone better or not want to be with me at all.

But after our first time and now that we're official, I don't feel that way anymore.

I love this girl with my whole heart, she stole it without us even knowing.

"Oh Jinnie! You've grown so much!" Florence and Felix's grandma pulls me into a loving hug once we enter her house.

I can't stop the giddy smile spread on my face when she gives me a kiss on my cheek, I've missed her so much. When I was younger, me and Felix would drop by her house after school and she'd always have brownies made.

"Good to see you." I kiss her cheek back and step aside so Felix and Florence can greet their grandma.

Looking around the house, I feel nostalgic. I remember coming here everyday and feeling safe.

After greeting us all, the small grey haired woman ushers us to the dining room.

A range of different Korean style dishes and beverages cover the large table and we don't hesitate to tuck right in.

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