pt. thirteen

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"I can't believe I'm doing this." I mumble mainly to myself as me and Hyunjin discreetly follow my brother in my car.

Felix thought nothing of it when me and Hyunjin lied about taking Kkami on a walk. I kind of feel bad lying to Kkami so I'll make it up to him by buying him some treats after this.

"Think of it, it will be even more special to Lix." Hyunjin speaks up, I feel his eyes on my face but I keep mine on the road. "And like you said, if it goes to shit you can blame me." he half jokes and I crack a tiny smile.

Being in the car with Hyunjin isn't something I should be doing, I shouldn't of held his hand but I gave in. Like always.

I don't know if holding his hand meant something to him or not. I hope it does, because it did to me.

That's all I've thought about really, the feeling of his soft hand on mine was enough to send my heart racing.

The drive didn't take too long as we were pulling up to a posh looking restaurant. I suddenly get nervous once we step out of my car, I don't know why I agreed to this.

"Come on, you'll be fine." Hyunjin speaks up and I almost fall flat on my face when he takes my hand in his.

"W-what are you doing?" I whisper, in shock.

"Pretending we're on a date." he says nonchalantly and my mouth drops.

What the fuck is happening?

I quickly compose myself and we head into the restaurant around five minutes after Felix did. We walk up to the lady at a small desk when we enter.

"Hello, welcome. Do you have a reservation?" the woman asks with a fake smile.

"Um, no. We was wondering if we could just grab a table for two?" Hyunjin speaks for me and I nearly sigh with relief that he does.

"Of course, follow me." the lady walks off and we follow, still hand in hand.

She leads us to a small table, which is a good enough distance from Felix who sits a few tables away. "There you go, a waiter will be with you soon." she fake smiles again and we thank her.

We both sit down and my eyes go to Felix, who is sitting alone waiting for his 'date'. Thankfully, his back is towards us so hopefully he will have no idea we're here.

"This is fancy." I hear Hyunjin speak and I agree. Looking at my outfit choice, I feel quite dressed down.

I opted for a white blouse and black jeans with some black healed boots, most women in here are wearing dresses but never mind.

Hyunjin is wearing grey slacks and a white button up shirt which makes him look amazing. Why does he have to look good in everything, it's annoying.

"Hello, I'm Kate and I'll be your waitress this evening. What drinks can I get you?" a girl greets us with a fake smile and we both order lemonade as we don't want to be getting drunk.

I'm still anxious about tonight which means my leg is bouncing up and down the out of my control. Hyunjin is busy looking through the menu whilst I'm busy looking at my brother.

A few minutes go by of me just casually watching him when another boy joins him. My mouth drops to the ground and I gasp quietly.

Hyunjin looks up from the menu to my face. "What's wrong?" he asks with a frown and I'm frozen in shock.

Ice cream boy.

The boy, Changbin, from the ice cream shop we went to is on a date with my brother.

A mix of happiness and shock fills me and the corners of my mouth turn up, my mouth still dropped.

"Ice cream boy." I whisper and Hyunjin looks even more confused and I shake out of it, looking at Hyunjin.

"Look who Felix is with." I whisper and Hyunjin turns around, looking at Changbin, before turning back to me.

"You know him?" he asks and I nod.

"Yeah, before you moved in me and Felix went to a new ice cream shop and the boy at the counter is him. Felix got all flustered and I teased him for liking him. I didn't know he'd actually go on a date with him." I explain and take a peek at the couple again to see Changbin laughing at something Felix just said.

Happiness fills my chest of my brother being happy, that's all I want for him.

"Are you guys ready to order some food?" Kate, the waitress, comes back and we order our food. Hyunjin going for a steak and me going for a lasagna.

"How are you going to invite him though?" Hyunjin asks, taking a sip of his lemonade.

"Well, because I know where he works I'll visit him tomorrow or something." I shrug and he nods, liking my idea.

It might be a bit creepy but it's all I've got.

A few hours later of eating and small conversations, Felix and Changbin start leaving. I secretly watch them, sipping my lemonade.

I see them talking for a few moments before Changbin leans in hesitantly and my eyes widen.

Hyunjin notices and he turns around at the exact moment Changbin lands his lips on my brothers.

A massive grin spreads across my face and I almost squeal. Hyunjin shoots his head to me, his grin matching mine and we literally fan girl over this moment. We bounce in our seats, lightly hitting each other's arms repeatedly.

We watch them leave and I can't wipe the grin off my face.

"Well... we successfully did it." Hyunjin leans back in his seat a proud smile on his face.

"I should probably thank you." I clear my throat, getting a little flushed under his gaze which he has on me.

"It's okay. I enjoyed it, I felt like an undercover spy." he giggles and it's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

As the days go by, the more he's warming up to me. Sometimes I forget what happened in our past and just focus on what's happening in the moment.

I'm selfish when it comes to Hyunjin. I promised myself I'd never get close to him and now look at me. I'm on a fake date with him, wishing it was real.

I'm slowly starting to fall into my old feelings and I have moments where I let my old feelings take control of me.

But, what happened between us three years ago is still in the back of my mind. Sometimes I wish I never met him because I wouldn't be feeling things I shouldn't.

If I let these feelings take control of me I'll be hurting people in the process. Felix, Hyunjin and myself included.

Which is why I need to be more careful.

I can't let my feelings be the reason my heart breaks for the second time.

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