pt. thirty-one

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"Hey, you okay?" I hear Yeji's voice ask and I look up from my laptop screen to see her looking at me with a concerned face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I lie and she sighs, shutting her textbook.

"You've been off for the past few days, what's up?" she comes to sit next to me on her bed.

Me, Yeji and Ryujin decided to hang out tonight at their dorm as today is my last day before me, Felix and Hyunjin leave for Australia.

"It's nothing." I dismiss her question with a smile and a shake of my head, going back to typing on my laptop.

Because I won't be here for a week, I need to catch up on my work.

I see Ryujin give me a curious look from the opposite side of the room on her bed and I sigh, giving up on acting fine.

"You know Hyunjin?" I check if they remember and they both nod, Ryujin stopping what she's doing and coming over to sit on the other side of me.

I take a deep breath before finally coming out with it. "We're... I don't know what we are but we've kissed and done... things I'm starting to think he's regretting it all." I whisper, avoiding their gazes on me and just staring at the assessment on my laptop.

"Regret? What do you mean regret?" Yeji questions, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"He..." I take another deep breath, starting to feel upset. "He's been ignoring me."

At my words they both look at me like I've asked them for a kidney. "What?" they say shocked in unison.

I slowly close my laptop, not being able to keep reading my assessment as my vision is becoming blurry with tears.

"Yeah um... he's been avoiding me like I'm some sort of disease. When I smile at him he just looks away, if I try to talk to him he says he's busy and walks off... what did I do wrong?" my voice cracks and they both wrap their arms around me in a hug.

"You did nothing wrong, Flo. He's being a dick." Yeji assures me, laying her head on my shoulder.

"I swear to God, I'm going to cut his dick off this time." Ryujin jokes and we all laugh.

"But why? I was having so much fun with him..." I sniffle and Ryujin unwraps her arm around me and kneels on the floor in front of me, grabbing my hands. Yeji stays where she is, caressing my arm with her hand in a comforting way.

"Flo, look at me." Ryujin orders and I look up from our hands to see her giving me a serious look. "I promise you, you did nothing wrong. He's being stupid and a dick. He doesn't deserve you if he does this again." she gives my hands a squeeze.

"Thanks, guys." I give them an appreciative smile and Yeji gives me a kiss on my temple, Ryujin stroking her thumbs on the back of my hands.

"Come on, let's do face masks. Maybe it will take your mind off it." Ryujin jumps up and digs around in a makeup bag.

I chuckle and agree, pushing the thought of Hyunjin to the back of my mind.

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