pt. six

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Fiddling with my pen, I try to focus on what the professor is saying about this poem we are going to be studying.

Today was my first day of university and surprisingly I've been okay. This class is the only one I've had today, which is lucky as I'm already exhausted.

Exhausted by not getting a lot sleep from worrying, exhausted by new surroundings and new people and exhausted by thinking about a certain tall, blonde haired boy.

"Okay, that's all for today everyone. Assessments are due at the end of the week, any questions please do ask me. Thank you." the professor dismisses everyone and I stand up from my chair, stretching my limbs from sitting down for two hours.

As I'm packing my bag, my mind travels to Hyunjin against my will. I've been thinking about how he is or what he's doing at random times and it's so annoying.

I shake my head, what is wrong with me?

The cold London breeze caresses my skin when I leave the building, thinking of getting a tea at near by cafe and heading back home.

Felix told me there's a café around the corner a lot of students go to so I head in that direction. I hug my puffer jacket closer to me, my white cropped jumper and white joggers not doing much justice.

The bell dings when I walk in, alerting the girl at the counter. I walk up, smiling.

"Hi, what can I get you?" she asks me and I give my order of an iced tea, her nodding and telling me to wait for my order.

I stand to the side, looking around. The café is very cozy, some people sitting and chatting with their friends or some alone on their laptops.

When my eyes scan across the room, I actually spot Minho with a boy I don't know. My first thought is to go up to him and say hi but my feet stay glued to the ground.

Before I could debate anymore, the girl says my name and I pay her, taking my tea. I turn around, looking at Minho again and deciding to just do it.

"Hi." I greet him when I eventually walk up. He lifts his head to me and his eyes light up, a big smile gracing his face.

"Florence! Hey, you okay?" he asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yes, thank you. Are you?" I ask back, feeling the other boys eyes on me.

"I'm great. This is Jisung, my boyfriend." he gestures to the boy across from him with black hair.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I smile and he gives me a warm smile back.

"It's nice to meet you too, you're Felix's sister right?" he questions and I nod.

"Sorry I wasn't there last night, I wanted to meet you but my mum needed me." he gives me an apologetic look and I shake my head.

"No, it's okay." and he gives me a look of relief.

We have a quick conversation, me finding out Minho and Jisung are in the same year as me. It never came up about age last night but now that I know, I feel more at ease.

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