Seeing Xavier / sad truth come out

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Ally pov - I woke up early so I can make something for Ziggy to eat, then we will go to see Xavier and I will tell him the truth.
I hope he will take and look after Ziggy after I am longer here if not then I guess I have to pick a family to adopt him, which I don't want to do.
After I finished breakfast I got Ziggy wash and changed.
I am full of nerves right now, I now he won't remember me, I will make sure he knows I don't want any money I just want to know if he will look after his son when I am gone he can do a DNA test if he wants but I am sure he new I was a virgin when he done the deed.

Ziggy-mummy I finish, tank you ...

Ally - your welcome baby come on we have to go.

Ziggy- we go school

Ally- not yet hunny

Ally pov - As soon as we get of the bus we walk around the corner and I see Kings corp.
Deep breath Ally you can do this it's for your son.
I walk straight in and over hear someone saying they have an interview with Mr King I tell Ziggy to be real quiet and this is where been short has its up side I press the 40th floor and we go up as soon as the doors open there is a secretary but she is busy on her phone Ziggy and I go right passed her then I see double doors and the sign that said CEO Xavier King, I walk quickly and opened the door that's when I started to feel a little dizzy.
I saw him look right at me and said Ally, he remembered me, then everything went black.

Xavier pov - I was in my office signing and going through some paperwork then my mind wonder back to the dark haired beauty Ally.
No woman has ever had an effect like her, it's not because she was a virgin although that was a bonus it was cause even though she was drunk I could tell how pure and sweet this girl was and I wanted to make her mine and I planned to but she left I only new her first name I have been looking for her for over two years with no luck if only I new her last name.
I haven't been intimate with any one since her, it felt wrong to me.
I come out of my deep thought as I heard my door open and close I was gunna get ready to yell at who ever came in without my permission but stopped cause there she was the woman that has never left my mind and she has a baby with her.

Xavier- Ally...

Xavier pov- she looked really pale she looked like she was gunna pass out I rushed to her and caught her before she hit the ground, the little boy started crying I picked her up and put her on the couch then pick up her son, I stared at him and was lost for a moment, no it can't be she..., she would have told me wouldn't she, I new he was mine he looks just like me, but why would she hide this and why tell me now

Ziggy- daddy...daddy... what's wrong with mummy...

Xavier pov / I froze by what he called me, I looked at him it looks like he is trying to get something out of what looks like a pocket watch around his neck I open it and there is a photo of me .
I take out my phone and called Samuel his my friend and a Doctor and ST James.

Xavier- hey it's okay buddy, mummy will be fine I even called my friend who is a Doctor to give her a check up.
Can you tell me your name.

Ziggy - Ziggy

Xavier pov - Ziggy, must be short for something

Xavier - do you know how old you are.

Xavier pov - he shows me two fingers and rans to his mummy I go close to them and brush the hair of her face.
I finally have her and she had my son and didn't tell me she has a lot of explaining to do I swear if I was wrong about her and she only wants money I will give it to her but I will take my son.
But I hope I was right, because I don't want to lose her again.

Samuel- Xavier wants the emergency.

Xavier- I don't know this is Ally( his eyes go big He knows I have been looking for her and then he see Ziggy and does a double take and I nod.
He checks her and said her blood pressure is low and she is fatigue. He said he will look and check your medical records after he gets her records he instantly goes pale.

Xavier- sam what's wrong, ( he hand me his lap top and that's when I see it she went to the doctor yesterday, her cancer is  back stage 4 this time.)
It all made sense now why she finally told me.
No Sam please tell me she can fight this again, you know I have been going crazy looking for her, I pushed myself so much in my work so...I wouldn't think about her so much but it never worked.

Samuel- Xavier calm down, don't not right now your son is here.

Xavier- Ziggy I am going to show you my secret room okay ( I pressed the button an the room opened up with a big flat screen tv and a couch with a mini fridge and cupboards full of treats, I see his eyes light up )
Okay son now I have to talk to uncle Sammy okay I will put on some cartoons and you can watch.
( he nods his head and gives me thumbs up)

Okay so tell me.

Samuel- 5% chance of survival, I can tell he is your son just by looking at him but to make sure you are legally down as his father and put on his birth certificate and I know you would want him to have your last name you will have to do a DNA test which I will do and have it in a few hours and have everything changed okay.
Oh and I know you didn't look further but your sons real name is Ezequiel Xavier McCann
Looks like she did think of you.
I will also let the hospital know your coming I am sure you want to bring her she should wake up soon and then you can ask how she wants to go about it.

Xavier - There is nothing to ask, she is getting the treatment the best treatment money can buy so she can better and then I can punish her ass for not telling me.

Samuel- hahah ... I will see you at the hospital I will see to a private room is waiting for her.

Xavier pov - I go check on Ziggy his asleep. I stare at him , the overwhelming feel of sadness and guilt that I wasn't there for him, for her even though I didn't know, I still feel that guilt, I should have looked harder to find her and none of this would have happened.
I hear a groaning I look up at a panic Ally I quickly rush over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

Xavier- shuuu... shuuu it's okay don't panic if your looking for Ziggy his asleep over there.
Wow not so fast Kitten I think we need to talk first, you have a lot of explaining to do.

Ally- I...I am sorry I really am I....I freaked out when I woke up and noticed what I did and who I didn't with and I got scared cause I new you wouldn't want me to be there when you wake up so I left and about 3 weeks later I found out I was pregnant and ...and I didn't want you to think of me had some gold digger who wanted your money cause I don't and I still don't.... I .. Just want you to take care of him.... After... ummm.
I mean if you want a DNA test you can I know after what will happen you will need to. ( I quickly covered my mouth I didn't want him knowing not yet anyways)

Xavier- kitten.. baby girl I already know....
I am sorry if I made you feel that way but I was disappointed and angry that you left, in fact I have been looking for you since you left and couldn't find you since I only had your first name.
Now come on lets get Ziggy, I will take him to my home sorry I mean our home I don't usually stay there But I ready told them and there will somebody to look after Ziggy My old Nanny Maria.

Ally- W..what why we have our apartment, once I am gone then you can have him till then I will spend the rest of whatever life I have left with him.

Xavier- sorry kitten not going to happen I am dropping him off and then we are going to the hospital, you will get the best treatment and you will recover then I am going to punish you for not telling me and after that we will get married and have many more babies( I shocked her with what I said then sealed it by kissing her lips tenderly.

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