Heart breaking news

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Ally pov - no...no .... This can not be happening not now....

Dr Chase - Miss McCann I am sorry but the cancer has come back but this time it's stage 4 I know you have no family except for Ezequiel I call him ziggy for short , I know it's hard but if you start know you can find and chose a family yourself one that can adopt him I will give you the number of a case worker, I am so sorry again I wish I had better news.

Ally pov- I just nodded at him taking the card to shock to say anything, as I walked out of the hospital the only thing that ran into my mind was Ezequiel his 2 years old I have been in the foster system I know how it is sure its better since his a baby but I want more for him.
I know your wondering what about his dad well I never told him I got drunk and gave my virginity to Xavier King let me take you back to night it happened.


Today is my 21st birthday and I want to surprise my boyfriend Damien we have been together for a year and today is the day I am ready to give him my virginity, I mean he has pushing me for like over 6 months about it but he never forces me.
I am on my way to my apartment he told me he was gunna set it up and have a romantic night in since he knows I don't like going clubbing I am more of a home body.
I finished work early I sent him a text telling him but he hasn't reply but it okay I will see him soon.
I get to my apartment and I hear moaning, groaning and screams my heart starts to drop I maybe a virgin but I know what that sound is I open the door to my bedroom and there is my boyfriend and best friend Tracy going at it like a couple of wild dogs.
I start yelling at them
"How could you do this to me , both of you

( They both look up shocked to see me, they scramble putting on the clothes )

Damien- baby...baby I can explain she was helping me plan a special night for you and well one thing led to another, I have been waiting for a hole year and you barley let me touch you and she is the one that came on to me.

Tracy- whatever you lier, truth is we have been fucking for almost a year he loves me not you he just didn't want to hurt you.

Ally- just get out both of you, GET OUT!!!
I don't want to hear it, you can have other.

Damien refused to leave Saying it's not over, I told him I would call the police if he didn't go and with that he left.
I sat on the floor crying didn't know what to do Damien and Tracy where the only people I had in the world and they both betrayed me Tracy more we where best friends since school she stood by me when I went through cancer twice, god you can't trust anyone in the world, I guess it's good I found out now and not after I had sex with him, I guess they both showed there truth colours.
I stood up and went to shower to freshen myself up I decided I would go out tonight there's a new club opening it's called toxic one of the guys I work with Aden gave me a pass so I could get in tonight, its not something that I do, I mean I have never drank, but hey I am 21 now so why not today I will drink the pain away and tomorrow is a new and fresh start.

( later at the club)

I was already tipsy , I don't know how to dance so I sat on the booth with multiple shots around me drinking one after another.
I see a man, a very handsome man coming down the stairs from the V.I.P section, his eyes instantly find me and he smirks and starts making his way to me.
My heart starts pounding and butterflies erupt in my stomach I have never felt this way about any guy even Damien what the hell is going on maybe I just drank to much.

(Few hours later )

Xavier- come here kitten let me carry you, precious princess like you don't need to walk, and I am sure you wouldn't be able to, not really ( smirk )

Ally- w...wherre arre we... ( I slurred )

Xavier- my hotel well the one I live at my penthouse is on the top.

Ally- y...yourr soooo hottt...

Xavier- haha thank you kitten and you, you are breathtaking , absolutely beautiful

Ally pov- I am so drunk, but I don't care I want him, as soon as he takes me into his penthouse he lays me on the bed but before he can leave I pull him in and kiss him.

Ally- ma..make lovvvee to meee

( next morning)

Ally pov - my head is pounding, shit this isn't my apartment, oh no, I look at the man who has his arms around my waist.
And that's when I noticed who it was, stupid Ally how drunk did you get that you didn't know who it was, it's Xavier King , I gave my virginity to him, his probably gonna be mad if he sees I'm still here you can't read a magazine or newspaper without someone calling him a billionaire playboy he wouldn't want someone like me in his bed I gotta get out of here.
I slowly slide of of bed and bite my lip as soon as My feet touched the floor I put my hand over my month to stop myself from screaming from the pain.
I see my clothes in the folded nicely to the side As quick as I can I get dress and get out of there.
3 weeks later I found out I was pregnant, I dropped out of collage so I could get more jobs to I could take care of my baby I never told Xavier because I didn't want him to call me a gold digger trying to trap him.

(End of flash back)

Ally pov - I get off the bus and started walking to Ziggy's day care,  As soon as I am in front I take a deep breath in and put my happy face on for my son.

Ziggy-  mummy....mummy....

Ally- how's mummy's big boy where you good today.

Rachel- prefect as always, that boy of yours is always such a sweetheart, bye you two I will see you tomorrow Ziggy.

Ziggy - bye...bye.

Ally pov- I hold Ziggy's hands and we walk to our apartment as soon as we get there Ziggy goes of to play, since I am not feeling to well and the shock of everything I decided to just order some pizza.
While waiting for the pizza I was watching the news and who are they talking about non other then Xavier King the man who I will have no choice to face, I have to do it for my son.
The only thing I heard before I completely daze out was he is living at one of his grand hotels in the penthouse And it happens to be the same one from that night.
And also about his new building he bought an investment company mmm I know where that is, I will go there tomorrow with Ziggy I don't want to leave it, tells its to late.
After we eat I read Ziggy and story and he falls asleep in my arms.
Ziggy kinda knows who his dad is I got a photo of him and put it in the pocket watch which he wears around his neck, what photo you ask well his famous I just got one online and printed and then put it in there.
I lay in bed with Ziggy cuddled close to me and say a silent pray hoping things go well tomorrow.

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