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Ally pov- I woke up with my hole body in pain, I slowly opened up my eyes and sit up but something or should I say someone had there arms wrapped around me tightly, I was about to freak out but when I turned to face who had me it was none other then Xavier, I couldn't help but smile but that smile was short lived when I looked around and notice I am in a hospital when did I come here what happened, I tried to move Xavier's arms off me so I could get up but that only man him hold me tighter.

Xavier- what are you doing baby girl you shouldn't be going out of bed you need your rest.

Ally- I need to go to the bathroom please let me go.

Xavier- I will take you come on (!I carry her in my arms and take her to the bathroom I put her down so she can do her Business)
Are you all finished baby?

Ally- yes I am finished ( he carries me back to bed and places a soft kiss on my forehead)
Umm Xavier what happen? Why am I here?

Xavier- you don't remember baby, you woke up last night I cuddled you back to sleep, mmm maybe I need to get the doctors to come and look at you again.

Ally- just tell me please Xavier?

Xavier - okay well um McKenzie poisoned you she injected a drug into your IV and Samuel said you had bed reaction because of the chemo and radiation therapy but they....( crying) also said the treatment it's not working  effectively on you so I paid for the new treatment it had a 90 percent survival rate for those on stare 3 like you.
But it's also still an experimental drug so for a month they they want you to stay here.
Please baby tell me , you will go through with it and except the treatment, please tell me you will fight.

Ally- I...I  w...illl fight but I ...I'm scared Xavier I don't want to say good bye forever not to you and
Definitely not to son, his still so young I know he will not understand, I promise I will fight till the end but if at the end I don't make it you have to promise me  you will look after our son, you will not put work before him and you will always spend time with him so he knows he is loved and make sure he knows how much I love him.

Xavier- I promise I will do all that, but I will do all that with you, I know you will beat this, so no more talk about the what if's there is no what if's I will do everything in my power even if he means giving everything up I will do it as long as I know you will come out beating it.
Now no more of this talk you hungry baby.

Ally- yeh I am a little but I can wait till they they serve there meals.

Xavier- I will go and get something for you to eat but  what would you like.

Ally - Anything I am not fussed, thank you Xavier for everything.

Xavier- you don't have to thank me for anything kitten it's my job and my pleasure to take you and Ziggy , you both are know my life, my whole world.

Ally pov- I didn't know what to say I was shocked to say the least no one has ever cared for me like that, I pulled Xavier hand before he could get up and leave I pulled him close to me and gave him a peck on the lips, he kissed my forehead and told me he would be back soon.

Xavier pov - I called my driver Tomas and told him to get food called Martha to come here and sent a text to Sam to come to her room.
I made a call to the judge Henry Donaldson he told me he is on his way.
I was gunna to a little ceremony at the house a  pretty dress her and the Judge would marry us but what just happened scared me so much I didn't want to wait.
Just as I got to her room My father called me saying they are coming with Ziggy and not to do anything tell they get there , I told them that The Judge hasn't got here yet.
Before I could open the door Tomas comes up and hands me the bag of food.

Xavier- hey baby girl, foods here hope your hungry and after you eat the judge and my parents along with Ziggy and Martha should be here soon.

Ally- I get why your parents and Martha are coming but why is the Judge.

Xavier- so he can marry us, I don't want to go another day with out been able to call you my wife.

Ally- Xavier.... Umm don't th...( cutoff )

Xavier- baby we where going to do it at the house Tomorrow so it's no different it's not the usual place to get married but I meant what I said.
You still want to marry me right baby, not that you have a choice your mine and I want the world to know that too.

Leonardo-  knock knock... hello my dear I am Leonardo Xavier King and this is my wife
Priscilla king  it's a pleasure to meet the woman that has captivated our  son for so long .

Priscilla- not to mention our amazing grandson I can't get enough off, I am just sorry we are meeting under these circumstances, our you feeling better sweetheart.

Ally- I am doing better thank you for asking, and thank you for taking care of Ziggy I can see he has taking to you right away.

Knock... knock....

Xavier- "come in

Samuel- hello everyone, Ally how are you feeling now, I also found Judge Henry Donaldson.

J Henry Donaldson- good evening everybody
Is everyone here shall we began.

( everyone says yes)

Good now since we are running low on time and visiting hours are almost coming to an end I will get straight too it.
We will start with you Xavier.

" Do you Xavier King take Alison Crystal McCann to be your lawfully wedded wife

Xavier- I do

"Do you Alison Crystal McCann take Xavier King to be your lawfully wedded husband

Ally - I do

J Henry Donaldson- by the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride now.

And here is your sons The certificate I have changed it and signed off on it he is now Ezequiel Xavier King just sign here and I will have it sent to immediately congratulations to her I will leave you to your family to celebrate your Union I wish you all the Mrs King.

Ally - thank you

Leonardo- congratulations I am happy for you both but it looks like we better get this man home

( Ziggy is fast a sleep in his Nonna's arms

Priscilla- congratulations both of use and you my dear daughter get some rest We will bring him by tomorrow for a visit.

Xavier pov - I walked my parents out and kissed Ziggy's cheek and said our goodbyes and then I headed back into room and as soon as I got there my baby girl was fast asleep, I laid in the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around I can't believe I finally have her she is mine Ziggy Ally and I are family and I couldn't be more happier,
I kiss her goodnight and shut my eyes.

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