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Ziggy pov- I have officially lost it, I basically took control of her life and told her what was going to happen I know I have no right controlling her and taking charge of her life but I can't help myself, I have always been drawn to her but I kept denying the connection because I was with Sandra and I am not ass that would cheat when I am in a committed relationship.
I am not going to do it now she has enough going on and I also don't want to go through what my dad did, he loved my mom and then well in the end he lost her.
I may not pursue anything with her but that doesn't mean I can't help her and besides I am not even sure if she is in a relationship, why does the thought of her having a boyfriend get to me, I quickly snap out of it as I bright light from the sky was shining so bright me, I was squinting my eyes the only thing I could make out was something was coming right at me.

I may not pursue anything with her but that doesn't mean I can't help her and besides I am not even sure if she is in a relationship, why does the thought of her having a boyfriend get to me, I quickly snap out of it as I bright light from the sky...

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The light finally stopped shining in my eyes, I opened and closed my eyes to readjust as soon as I opened them again, I couldn't believe my eyes, what stood before me, An Angel not just any Angel but my mom, well my birth mom.
Uncontrollable tears slowly made there way out, to which she gently touched my cheeks wiping them away, I looked up at her and she smiled down at me.

Ziggy- Mom..... it's that really you..., how I mean I remember one time when I was little But I...., I thought I was having a bad dream....

😇Ally- yes my beautiful boy it is me.
Look how much you grown I am so proud of you and the man you have turned into, I was truly worried for a while, when you were with that woman, I wanted to see you sooner tell you but I couldn't it's against the rules that is why I told your Dad..., I am glad you know the truth and now you can truly be happy.
I came to you for a reason, Zara the young girl with the pure heart, I know your hearts are connected but none of you will allow your hearts to lead, she thinks she isn't good enough for you because you come from different social backgrounds and you, your Afraid to put your hole heart on the line because of what happened to me, you saw the raw and true pain your went through, but you must know your dad wouldn't change been with me, marrying me while I was stuck in a hospital bed.
You need to let your heart truly love, I know you might not love this girl yet but you certainly do have feelings for her, you both connected, why don't you go for it ask the girl out.., I want to see my boy truly happy... ( I cupped his cheek and smiled down at him )

Ziggy - Mom... I don't if I can, can you tell me something

😇Ally- depends what it is you are asking.

Ziggy - will she live, I know it is stage 2 but..( cutoff )

😇Ally- Ziggy my boy , I can't tell you that rules of been an Angel but what I say is trust me don't stop fighting for her ...( I hugged him tightly)

Ziggy pov- she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly I put my arms around her and for a long time I remember how much I have missed her touch I hugged her back and held her too loving the warmth of her embrace I new she was gone when I felt nothing but a cold breeze, I looked up at the sky silently promising her that I would never stop fighting for Zara.
I headed back inside and checked the time , it was lunchtime, I made a call to order a healthy nutritious meal for Zara.
I grabbed my keys and headed to my car to drive to Zara's apartment. When I was told her Address I was happy about it because it wasn't the safest neighbourhood, I guess I will have to change that too, not right now but soon, I don't want to freak her completely out.
As soon as I pulled up To her apartment complex I parked my car and headed up she is on the top floor and there is no lift which me madder she shouldn't be over exerting herself.
I got to her door And knocked but no answer I looked carefully at the door and noticed it wasn't locked I opened the door and she was eating cup of noodles, which isn't a proper lunch.
I taped her shoulder and she let out a scream then calmed herself down when she noticed it was me.

Zara- Mr...I mean Ziggy what are doing here?

Ziggy- I ordered you some food and it's a good thing I did a cup of noddles isn't a proper nor healthy lunch throw it away now and come eat this, and another thing why is your door not locked ?  Do you know how dangerous it is to leave your door unlocked especially in this kinda neighbourhood.

Zara - umm... the door doesn't locked and I don't have much of value for any one to come and steal anything, you didn't need to bring me any food I am personally fine the noodles are filling for me.

Ziggy- I didn't say nor ask if they where filling I said they are not healthy nor Nutritious, you shouldn't be eating food like that it is not good for you while you are under going treatment.

Zara pov- 'why is he been like this towards me, I mean yes he was always nice to me and treated me well but he is going over the top now, is it because he feels sorry for me because of the Cancer because I don't need his petty, I am capable of taking care of myself, I have been doing it since I was 18.

Zara- look Mr King I don't need your petty, you don't need to feel sorry for me and help me out of guilt, I can take care of myself, ( I turn away from him crossing my arms )

Ziggy- ( I put my index finger under her chin making her look at me )
I am not doing this because I petty you nor am I doing this out of guilt I am doing this because I care about you and I want to, I know you are strong and independent and have always taken care of your self and that is one of the many reasons why I like you so much,  but you have me now and weather you like it or not I am and will continue to take care of you and been here now I can see you need me. ( I know I said I wouldn't push her or go to fast and I won't but I can't leave her here in this apartment the door don't lock and she is eating junk, I have to take care of her properly and I can only do that if she lives with me. I sent a texts to some of my guys to come here and pack her things )
Zara here eat this, I want you to finish everything the. After that we are going.

Zara - 'what going ? , what do you mean where are we going ?

Ziggy- your coming home with me, you will be living with me from now on.
Don't argue with me you already know that you will not win.

Ziggy pov- she opened her mouth but wisely shut it and started eating her food the shock look still evident on her face, I know I came on  strong but I can't help it.
After she finished eating, I carried her to my car , she was whining the whole way telling me she isn't a baby, but she is , she is my baby, all mine and I will never stop fighting for her.

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