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Xavier pov- It's been 4 months and Ally is back home it's been up and down she is receiving treatment at home, she has her good days and bad, I hate seeing her in so much pain I wish I could take it all away, I see the complete and utter sadness in her eyes and it's like I can feel her heart breaking when she is looking at our son she hates when he wants her to come outside and play he doesn't understand what is really going on I just tell him she is sick I wouldn't know where to begin how too he will be 3 years old in 2 months I was gunna plan a birthday party for him it will be the first birthday I will spend with him so I want it to be special but I am also having second thoughts of Ally her condition, maybe I should just do something small, I know she would be able to go she maybe have good days but there not great she hasn't been able to walk down the stairs in a month I could carry her but what if she get worse and more sick with all those people that will come all those germs.
I am snapped out of my thoughts as the buzzer to her room goes of I quickly drop everything I am doing and head straight to her room.

Xavier- hello my love, are you okay do you need anything are you in any pain ( I start to panic as she just stares at me silently )

Ally- I am fine, I wanted to talk to you about something.

Xavier- what is it you wanted to talk to me about baby..

Ally- Ziggy birthday, I know I can't do anything for him but you can you it's your first with him it should be special, I know my son I know he is upset he may not know what is happening to me but he can feel it.
So since his birthday is on a Friday I was thinking that maybe it will just be family something I can be apart of then on Saturday he can have a bigger party with all his friends, I know you where. Saying some of your friends have kids his age and they all got along.

Xavier- we truly are meet to be baby girl, I was in my office thinking about his birthday and how much I wanted to throw him a big party but then I thought of you, knowing you won't be able too, it would be just to many people and lot of germs.
I don't want to risk anything more happening to you.

Ally- Xavier I will be fine, he hasn't done anything or gone anywhere his always cooped up and bored I will be in my room.
You can open up the pool house that has two bathrooms so they can you use those and you can just make sure everyone knows not to come to the west wing of the Mansion if it makes you feel better,Just please talk to our son see what kinda party he wants and make it happen for him please he needs this, I want to see him truly happy, I know you want us all to seat with a child psychologist so they can explain to Ziggy what is happening with me but I can't not now, you told me to fight and have hope and I am, but if we have that talk to Ziggy it will be Like I am already gone and I am preparing him for it, I can't do that to him I don't want to see the sadness in his eyes more then I already do.

Xavier- okay baby, We will hold of on that and I will talk to Ziggy and see what party he wants, I will call my parents so they can come over and we will have a family dinner maybe some games for Ziggy.

Ally- sounds good to me, can you bring him
Here so we can have breakfast together. It feels like it's been so long since .....( crying)

Xavier- baby... look at me... don't cry okay I know I can't truly understand how hard it is for you, you, I know you want to spend all this time with Ziggy but your energy level and health have not been doing so well this past month so you haven't been able to, but look at it like this today you do so of course I will get Ziggy he will be over the moon to have breakfast Lunch and Dinner with you watching movies reading books showing you pictures he drew all that.

Ally- thank you Xavier, I don't know what I would do without you.
You always keep my hope running high, I love you...

Xavier- I Love you too baby, I will be back with Ziggy and I will tell Martha to bring breakfast up here we will eat together.

Xavier pov- I kissed her forehead and headed to Ziggy room he should be awake.
I open the door to his room and as soon as I opened it I saw him thrashing around in his sleep crying mommy mommy don't leave me... tears running down his face, that broke me completely me I would do anything to make sure she okay if I could I would give my life in an Instant just so she could stay alive and he wouldn't lose her.
I walked up to his bed and picked him up and brought him to my chest and started rubbing his back....

Xavier- hey buddy... wake up it's just a bad dream wake up I'm here... daddy's here.. your gunna be okay... ( slowly he opened up his eyes and looked straight at me for a moment before he put his head back down and held on to me tightly)
It's okay son, I know mommy is sick but I promise I will do everything in my power to make sure she is healthy again and you know your daddy is a powerful man right..

Ziggy ( nodding)

Xavier- okay big boy no more tears let's get you clean up then we will go have breakfast with mommy and you can stay with her and watch some movies while I do some work in my office how does that sound.

Ziggy- I get to see mommy today and watch a movie

Xavier- yeah she feeling a bit better today, maybe after your bath you can get all your drawing for mommy and I will  tell Martha to put it up in mommy's room so she can always look at your wonderful drawings and paintings all the time and it will make her happy and feel better...

Ziggy - yeah... I did a lot for mommy...

Xavier pov- I grabbed his clothes then headed to his bathroom, Once I gave him a bath and got him dressed he gathered all his art work and we headed to Ally's room once we got there both there eyes lit up in complete happiness, the bond there shared was something I have never seen before I guess because they only ever had each other, which makes me completely hate myself for not looking for her hard enough.
There will never be enough life times to make up for what I have missed but I am happy that I finally have them here with me I just hope and pray that we have a long and happy future with heathy happy Ally and our son Ziggy beside maybe a few siblings for Ziggy.

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