Truth is revealed

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Ziggy - it's been a week since the incident, I haven't seen Sandra, I was suppose to go to a Doctors appointment but she said she already went , I am pissed to say the least , I want to be apart of every aspect as I can be during her pregnancy it's my baby too, this is the second one I missed the first time she said she thought ai would be to busy to go so she didn't ask, I know I can be busy with work but I would never be to busy for something like this, family comes first that's how I was raised, money is nothing with out the people you love beside you.
My Nonna always told me, you enter this world the same way you come out of it, with absolutely nothing for your wealth doesn't follow you to heaven.
I am snapped out of my thoughts when I hear yelling coming from outside, I quickly get up to see what's going on.

Zara- Miss Cristario you can't go in there Mr King informed me that under any circumstances to allow anyone in there unless it's one of his family members as he is on an important business call ( gosh I really hate this woman, which say a lot coming from me because I have never hated anyone but she is really trying me, I know she is Mr king's girlfriend but he can do so much better she is a complete bitch excuse my French but it had to be said )

Sandra- "How dare you, Do you know who I am, I am his girlfriend and I am carrying his baby, I can go in any time I want, ha I really hope you have something to fall back on because once I tell Ziggy you are as good as fired ( This stupid girl has no idea who she is messing with, she is just jealous and wants what I have but I won't let that happen I worked to hard to get him. I pulled my hand back and slapped her several times in the face ha that will teach her , I went to hit her one last time when a hand stopped me and I get pulled away and pushed to the side )

Ziggy - Sandra, "what is wrong with you, you can't just come into my work place and abuse my employees, apologise to her right now
( I go down and help Zara up I hold her face gently in my hands, examining what Sandra Did she has a huge mark on her face, I can tell there will be a massive bruise I can see the colour starting to change, I turn to look at Sandra who has her nose up in the air with a displeasing look on her face. )

Sandra- I will not apologise to her, she had the nerve to say that I couldn't go in to see you, me of all people, why are you defending her, are you sleeping with her is that it, is that why you are getting mad at me for.

Ziggy- "no I am not, I am defending her because she is my employee and you were in the wrong I told her no one is allowed to come in, what are you doing here anyways you never come to my office.
( I raise my hand to cut her off which seemed to make her mad but I don't care. I face Zara )
Zara are you okay, why don't you come with me I know there is a first Aid kit in the kitchen, I will apply some cream and you can put some ice on it for 20 minutes then you can take the rest of the day off I know you leave early every Monday and Friday and it's Monday so you can just leave even early and relax and do whatever it is that you do, anyways come on lets get you cleaned up, Sandra you can wait outside my office I will deal with you later. ( I grab Zara hand and it's like a volt of electricity shooting through my whole body, my heart starts to race What the hell is that, I think she feels it too because she instantly pulls her hand back and a part of me want to grab her hand and never let go, I had to mentally scold 
myself and remind myself I have a girlfriend a pregnant one at that.
I shake of the weird sensation I have when I'm with her and continue to lead her into the kitchen.
I find the bruise cream and apply it onto her face and grab an ice pack and hand it to her.
( I wanted to ask her , why she has to leave early and what she does but I immediately stop myself )
Are you okay Zara, I am sorry about her that was completely inappropriate and uncalled for.
I will be having a serious talk to her, I want to assure you this will never happen again you have my word.

Zara- Mr king it's okay really, I am fine, you should get back to her ( I wanted to say before she blows up the entire place but I remind quite as he was walking out the door he gave me one last look that was something between and apologetic and a sympathetic look, but he has nothing to be sorry about.
After Icing my face for 20 minutes I got up and left I decided that I would go to the mall, I needed to get a few things before I headed to the hospital.
If you wondering what I am doing at the hospital well not only do I see the patience mainly the children but I am one, well out going I come in twice a week for chemo, the older Mr king knows about it, he told me I didn't need to work while I am receiving treatment that his foundation covers  everything so I only need to worry about getting better but I can do that As long as I can still walk around I will work to take care of myself as I always have and because I do have a good job at his company I can pay for my treatment in instalments of course and then the rest would be to be cover my every day living expenses, it's hard work and I do get exhausted a lot but I will manage and pull through, I am lucky it was caught in the early stages, I know some people aren't as luck like the young Mr King's mom, I think it is honourable what they do for those who can't afford treatment, to me there family are basically like saints and I am happy that I work for them.

( Sam reads the results and reveals the truth )

Ziggy- I can't believe you would hit her she did nothing to you, she was doing her job, then you tell her that I will fire her, which I will sent straight right now that will never happen, you need to stop been so petty and what's worse you didn't apologise, christ Sandra we are about to have a baby what are you going to teach our child. ( I was so mad at her right now but I had to reign in it , it's not good for the baby if I start yelling at her anymore, I don't want to stress the baby, that and Uncle Sam is coming up as we speak he said he has the results as well as a video which told me not to mention it to Sandra, I wanted to ask more but he told me I would know soon enough )

( knock.... Knock...

Dr  it's good to see you again, have a seat( I look over at Sandra and I can see she looks slightly nervous then I see her slowly start to walk to the door but I immediately stop her and pull her toward me and seat her in the chair, her behaviour has me worried that everyone was right.

Sam- okay the prenatal result read ( I look at Sandra I can see she is sweating bullets, the anticipation to see if  I would falsify results for her, I am a professional and I will never happen )
The likelihood of parental match between Ezequiel Xavier King is 0.00 percent
( I look over at Ziggy his fist are clenched the vein in his neck is poop out, I could tell he was trying his hardest not to Throttle her, when I turned to face her she was pale but anger was also evident on her face )

Ziggy- All this time, All this dam time you lied to me, you used me , you know how much family is important to me but yet you kept on going with this charade, for what money right cause that's all you care about, I should have known better but I was blinded as soon as you told me you where pregnant.

Sandra- "no his lying , this is your baby, we will go up to st james and do another test I swear this is your baby.

Sam - Ziggy there is one more thing you need to see.
( I put the usb on the flat screen and ask Ziggy to press play, he watches and listen as she told me outright that he was not the father that she was using him to get the king's Fortune , This is where is instantly went as pale as a ghost, she opened up her mouth to say something but noticed came out )

Ziggy- "Don't even say a word, I don't want to here it do you understand me, It's over, I hope your agent as some work for pregnant people because I will not be giving you another dime, 'now get the hell out of my office, if you come anywhere near me my family or anyone of my employees I will
Press charges for extortion and bribery and Attempt to falsify documents.
( she started screaming telling me she has been set up, I didn't want to her what she hd to say anymore or look at her face, I called security and a few  minutes later they came in and dragged her ass out of my building. I took a deep breath to calm myself down with the help of uncle Sam once I was calm enough he left, that's when it hit me ai had to be at St James without Zara here to remind me I almost come forgot, I grabbed my keys and wallet and left right away. )

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