Surprise for Ally

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Xavier pov - my meeting are usually full of men who lets face it always have a scroll on there face and I have to admit I was one of them, that was until I meet Ally and when she came back into my life and gave me our son Ziggy , who right now is entertaining all my major and big clients usual in meetings we get down to businesses then leave our seperate ways.
But this one little tot has got them all laughing uncontrollably it's quite amusing.

Mr Donavan - Xavier my boy this little chap of yours is absolutely delightful you must be very proud and not to worry we all understand why you kept him a secret we are all fathers and we want the media to stay away from them as long as we can but everything comes out eventually.

Mrs Tattul - yes I couldn't agree more, I am sorry about your fiancé I have sources in every media outlet and I will tell you the moment they start digging on that poor girl, I will threaten there entire livelihood, you must be beside your self dear and I can't imagine , I have known your family for years you let me know if you need anything ok darling.
And you my cheeky little wonder come give Nanna tatti some sugar.

Xavier pov - Mrs Tattul , or most call her madam Tattul , my sister and I call her Aunty I only call her Mrs Tattul during business to keep it professional as she says but I think she broke that code, but I am guess my son had a lot to do with that.
After they both left I went into my safe and pulled out the rings, I brought these the day after I meet her and told myself I would marry this girl when I find her.

After they both left I went into my safe  and pulled out the rings, I brought these the day after I meet her and told myself I would marry this girl when I find her

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I called Martha to look after Ziggy which she was happy to do

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I called Martha to look after Ziggy which she was happy to do.

Xavier- hey little buddy it's time to go, I am sure mommy is wondering where we are.

Ziggy- okay daddy, are we gunna see mommy right away.

Xavier- well you can see her as soon as we get home but then dinner and to bed okay if your good you can watch one movie in your room, but if Find out you watch more then one, no more tv in your room, do we have a deal son.

Ziggy- deal daddy I'll be good

Xavier pov- as soon as we get home Martha comes and greets us and tells us dinner is almost ready.
I told her I was talking him to see his mom first since she was asleep before we left.
Once we got there I open the door she was crying but when she saw Ziggy, it was like she let out a sigh of relief .

Ally- o...oh my baby b...boy w...where have you been I have not seen you all day, ( I glare over to Xavier )

Ziggy- I went work with daddy, I fired mean lady, daddy said I am a boss too so I can.

Ally- That wasn't very nice, you can't just fire people just because you can.

Xavier- baby girl you didn't know what she said, so when he said the word fired I just obliged because I will have no one talk about you nor my son that why understood baby girl.

Ally- ohhhh w...what d...did she say?

Xavier- nothing for you ever worry about baby girl it's nothing worth repeating.
Now if you can why don't you go freshen up , It hurts seeing your face full of tears.
I am taking him down stairs to eat and you I are gunna have something together dinner that is and I also have a surprise I actually got this the morning after you left me, because I new Then and there that you would be it for me.

Ally- wh..( cutoff )

Xavier- don't even ask baby girl because I am not gunna tell you.
Just please baby no question until a question is needed okay.

Ally- okay... okay I'm sorry

Xavier- nothing to be sorry about baby girl, Ziggy, go say goodnight to mommy Then you can eat dinner then watch our movie okay.

Ziggy- okay daddy, night nighy mommy sweet dreams you.

Ally- sweet dreams to you my little sun shine.

Xavier pov - I took Ziggy down stairs I kissed his forehead while he was eating then I took the tray of food for Ally and I and headed back upstairs.
I notice she was in the shower the nurse was waiting outside the bathroom she still refuses to let them help her wash, her energy is always pretty low after chemotherapy and all that radiation I hired them for a reason, I guess I will have to have a talk about that with her , I am here to make her life easier, I am her man its my job to take car of her,
I was waiting on one of the chairs were the table is she was closer and I get up and pull her chair out and carefully help her sit in the chair.
I make sure there was a pillow underneath here and behind her.

Xavier- are you comfortable baby or would you like to move to the bed.

Ally- no really I am fine, you worry and fuss over me way to much.

Xavier- hunny there is no such thing as too much when it comes to you.

Xavier pov- we sat there while we ate after we eat and talked and talked about everything and nothing I didn't realise how long we where talking she needs to get her rest and I better ask her well more like tell her cause she is and will wear my ring and the judge is personally gunna be here tomorrow to marry us Martha and Samuel will be our witnesses.
Don't get a head of your selfs I will give my baby a wedding she deserves but after she is well again and I mean 100%.

Xavier- Ally baby, I fell in love with you the moment I meet you sure you where drunk but I could see right through you right to your heart your soul I new you where pure there was never anything fake about you, the next day when you I woke to find you gone it killed me a little but I still got this because I new I would see you again only this time I won't ever let you leave me.

Alison Crystal McCann I don't care if its for a few hours or days even months to years  or until where both old and gray  and past away in each others embrace the only thing I care about is that if you do have to go , you go with my last name will you marry me.

Ally pov I start crying at the sweet words he just said he doesn't care how long I have to live as long as I am his wife, I have never taken I
a leap of faith or real risk before but for reason when it comes to him I can't help blindly follow and just mould  myself in his muscular arms.

Ally- yes

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