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Xavier pov - my heart leaped with joy when she told me she loved me then all sudden all my happiness was changed when her body jerked and the machine connected to her heart was beeping indicating her heart had stopped, Samuel and a group of doctors and nurses rushed in and Samuel pushing me out of the room telling me I had to leave so they could work on her.
I left the room and fell to my knees I haven't prayed and talk to god since I was a little kid, but I think I need god more then ever.
I picked myself up and walked to the hospital chapel.
I sat in one of the chairs and looked up, god I know I have never really spoken to you, but I promise if you spare her life and give her another chance I will dedicate my life to you more I will go to church every Sunday.
I will do more to help my fellow man that are in need, I will do anything just please don't take her I need her, our son needs her, she only just came back to me.
I bowed my head and my tears leave my eyes please don't take her how will I face Ziggy.
My silent words with god where interrupted by my phone I noticed it was Samuel I pick it up right away.

Samuel- Xavier she is fine for now I need to talk to you can you meet me in my office.
( hangup)

I thanked god and walked out of the chapel straight to Sam office.

Xavier- what is it, you said she is fine for now , explain what do you mean by that.
Just tell me she will be fine.

Samuel- Xavier due to the poisoning she started to bleed internally we stopped the bleeding but she lost a lot of blood and she will need a blood transfusion but due to her Cancer and the treatment she has been receiving she will need a transfusion from someone who a is O negative blood type we have no more left in the hospital.

Xavier- I am O negative take mine take as much as you need just save her.

Samuel- I know you are that's why I told you. We will take you blood and directly give it to her we will connect every thing in her room come lets go.

Xavier pov- I followed Samuel back in the room once we got there my heart my breaking all over again seeing her so pale drained of my life.
But I am here now to help her, I will do anything if I have to give blood to every day I will, I will even give my life to her if it means she will live.

Ally pov- my body feels so heavy it took me a while to open my eyes and when I do I see Xavier with an IV connected to his arm it looks like blood coming out" what blood what is going on what happen to him omg , I sat up and panicked but Xavier quickly calming me down.

Xavier- calm down baby girl is okay, your going to be fine they are just taking some blood they said that the poison in your system caused
Internal bleeding and you needed O negative blood which is what I have.
So they are just giving you some of my blood so you can gain enough strength son you can start on your new treatment and be home.
Just lay back down sweetheart close your eyes and get some rest.
I called David to bring you some food, but for now just lay down and rest.

Ally- Xavier a..are y..yo..you s..u( cutoff)

Xavier- honey my sweet baby girl you need to shut that pretty little mouth of yours up and do what I tell you to do and that is laid down shut your eyes and sleep understand, I will wake you up when the food gets here, Oh and baby I promise I am okay it's not like they are taking all my blood okay so don't be scared I will be here when you wake up.

Xavier pov- I stroked her hair running my fingers through her hair until her breathing evened out and I know she was a sleep I caressed her cheek and gave her sweet before laying back into the chair beside her.
I called up my mom to see how Ziggy was doing.

Mom / Priscilla - darling how is Ally doing

Xavier- she is fine mom, she is having a blood transfusion from me Directly she had internal bleeding from the poison I don't know how long I am going to be  I might stay the night with her are you and dad okay with watching Ziggy if you have to go I will come home right after or get Martha.

Mom/ Priscilla- Xavier you stay with her as long as you want your dad and I will stay here and look after Ziggy, we will bring him there after lunch tomorrow I know she will want to see him.
Take care of her son she truly is the best thing along with Ziggy that had came into your life don't lose her, fight for her.

Xavier- I will mom, thank you again I will talk to you tomorrow( hangup )

Xavier pov- I love baby girl, you rest I will stay and watch over you, I will never stop fighting to bring you back to 100 percent even if he means giving up every single penny I have. ( kissed her lips got into the bed with her and pulled her to my chest.)

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