Big brother Ziggy

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Xavier pov- Aria has been home for 4 months  now we haven't told Ziggy that he will be a big brother yet, I wanted to tell him once Aria has had time to recover and rest, she is not to happy that I have still kept her on bed rest her cast came of last month but I still didn't want her out of bed I only let her walk when the physiotherapist comes to the house to do some exercises to strengthen her leg.
I know she has been going stir crazy and she also has barley spoken to me I guess I should have seen that coming so today I decided that we will have some fun together as a family indoors of course we will play some games and tell Ziggy that he will be a big brother, my parents figured it out, I'm pretty sure it was from the morning sickness and she started to get a little baby bump, I had just finished some paperwork in my home office I woke up early so I could get it all done before she and Ziggy woke up, I am on my way back upstairs to check on her.
I reached are room and as soon as I opened the door Aria is there glaring daggers at me.

Xavier- bunny please stop glaring daggers at me and no pouting too, I just came to tell you that I am letting you of bed rest but you are only aloud around the mansion that's it and if you over do it, I will keep you locked up in this room till the baby is born, do you understand me.

Aria- yeah ...yeah I got you I am just so happy to be out of this room, so what changed your mind anyways.

Xavier- well I realise they may have been going a little overboard, but you have to understand everything I went through with Ally and what happened to her on her last day, then you getting hurt it made me want to get keep you in my protective bubble where I know you will always be safe.
I already lost my first love, I don't want to lose my second and last love ( A silent he falls from my eyes and she wipes it away kissing me softly in my lips )
Anyways I also thought we could play some games with Ziggy and tell him that he is gunna be a big brother.

Aria- that sounds perfect lets go get this party started is Ziggy awake yet.

Xavier- not so fast you will eat first and I mean you will eat everything, I know you keep telling me your bot use to eating breakfast cause you never really have well that changed the moment you became mine which means you eat all your meals and snacks that get given to you.
Now Let's get down stairs, I was thinking you might enjoy eating your breakfast by the pool.

Aria- yes oh yes a thousand times yes, I haven't been out in ages thanks to you I feel like I am becoming a hermit crab ( grinning)

Xavier- you where on bed rest which means you stay in bed , there is no going outside.
Anyways lets get you down( I go to pick her up bridal style which she protested )

Aria- I can walk now , I am perfectly fine and capable to walk down stairs.

Xavier- no I won't let you walk down stairs you could fall and hurt yourself again and I can't have that happening if you argue with me on this we will go right back upstairs and I will keep you there for another month ( she opened her month ready to say something but wisely close is it , good she is learning not to argue with me because she will never win )

Ziggy-  morning dad, morning Aria are you all better now

Aria- yes I am and guess what after breakfast we are going to spend the day playing games and watching movies just the three of us and we also have something to tell you too.

Ziggy- really all of us, your not to Busy dad

Xavier- yes all of us , I know I haven't spent a hole lot of time with you and I can't tell you how sorry I am but I promise from now on that will change now shall we go outside and eat our breakfast and we will tell you.
( we walk out side well except Aria I am still carrying her once we reach the tables I gently place her on the seat and take a seat beside her and Ziggy seats across from us, the maids bring out or breakfast and Aria and I look at each other before we start to speak)

Xavier- okay son how would you feel about been a big brother

Ziggy- that would be so cool, I always wanted a little brother, I would share my toys and teach him to play all the stuff I like to do, why are you asking anyways dad

Xavier- I am asking because ( I put my arm around Aria ) as you know Aria and I are Dating and well she is Pregnant which means you will be a big brother, but just because she is pregnant doesn't mean you will get a boy because that's what you want it doesn't work that way, you might have a little sister to look after and protect from all boys so if it is a girl you got to help me keep all boys away from her.

Ziggy- This is the best news ever yay!!! I'm gunna be a big brother and don't worry dad if  it's a girl I promise to keep all boys away from her cause no boy will ever been good enough for my little sister.

Xavier- that's my boy I know I can always count on you.

Aria- ( I couldn't help but laugh at the two of them and also couldn't help feel sorry if it is a little girl, she is not only going to have a overprotective father but she will also have an equally overprotective big brother )
Okay you two that's enough I don't know if it is a girl but if it is I already feel sorry for her.
Now that we all have eaten why don't we go play some games.

Ziggy- let's play Jenga

Xavier- ok buddy why don't you go get it and We will meet you in the living room

Ziggy- okay dad ( before I ran to get the game I put my hand on her tummy and started to talk to it ) and I will also see you later btw I am your big brother Ziggy and I will always look after you and protect you , okay I will see you three inside.

Aria pov - I started crying listening to Ziggy although I did wait till he was gone a 6 year old doesn't need to listen to an emotional pregnant woman cry, dam this hormones.

Xavier- baby what's wrong, why are you crying?

Aria- it's.....nothing.....really it's just that was the most sweetest thing ever his gunna make a great big brother the best ( crying) sorry stupid pregnancy hormones

Xavier- hey you have nothing to be sorry about okay Now lets wipes way those tears and let me see that smile, ( after I wipe her face and kiss her cheeks she smiles brightly up at me )
Now thats better , lets go inside shall we I am sure  Ziggy has it all set up and already growing in patient waiting for us hahah.....

Ziggy- its about time, I thought I was gunna die of old age waiting for you too slow pokes

Xavier- hey we weren't gone that long buddy no need to be dramatic about it and by the sound of your joke you have been spending a lot of time with Nonno cause I know he always says that to Your Nonna hahah.

Aria - I sat back playing  the game mostly silent I let a fare few laughs and giggles at these two going back and fourth there both same I swear that Ziggy is a smaller Version of Xavier its so adorable especially when he continues to comment on his dads giant muscular hands always knocking all the Jenga pieces down haha it's true but every time he tries he is always knocking over hahaa.
After the game he wanted to watch a movie he chose Pikachu Xavier groan a little which was funny but put his best fake excited face when Ziggy turn around and glared a him it was so cute I couldn't help but giggle because that is the same glare Xavier gives when he gets angry.
When the movie started playing Ziggy came to the both of us kissed each or cheeks then my belly he then continued by laying across both our laps watching the movie intently.
Xavier put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulders with a smile on my face for at this very moment I realised that my life was now in complete bliss.

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