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Xavier pov- I couldn't be happier then I am right now, I still can't believe she said yes, I am currently in the office the judge is coming to our home tomorrow to marry us so I want to finalise most of my deals with other companies so I can spend some Quality time with her and Ziggy.
My publicist said I should make a public announcement since pictures of us leaked she said to tell them that I wanted to keep them out of the public eye I will handle all that after we are married and had some time together.
I was just finishing signing my papers when my PA told me my 11 o'clock was here.
I go straight to the conference room expecting to see Mr Reynolds but it's his daughter and my childhood friend and high school sweetheart McKenzie, I wonder why she is here and not her father or brother.

Xavier- hey kenzie what are you doing here you usually aren't involved in your family business.

Mckenzie - daddy and Dominic are busy and since we have know each other since forever and we also haven't seen each other in a while I said I would go, I have truly missed you Xavier.
Maybe after we finish finalising the deal we could go out to lunch and catch up like old times.
And talk about the expansion of both our companies.

Xavier- sure kenzie we can do that maybe later though I have a lot more meetings then I have to get back to my son and my fiancé before Martha finish for the day.

Mckenzie - oh right I heard about that, are you sure he is yours , girls of lower social standing do this all the time.

Xavier- I know he is mine because I believe her because she is my every thing along with my son and she never told me for this reason but I also did a DNA test but that's because she has cancer and We could lose her so on a legal standpoint we had to do it to show I am his biological father.
So Mckenzie please reframe from saying anything negative about Ally let this be the last and only time or I will not be helping your family get back on track and save your business I will destroy it do not forget who I am, because we have known each other for a long time I am giving you a warning do I make myself clear.

Mckenzie - I am sorry Xavier I love you and care about you I always have, it's a good thing you got a DNA and I am happy you have a son but that doesn't mean you have to marry his mother she is dying anyway it's stage 4 right he will need a mother a better one, I could be that I will love him like I love you don't you see I am better for your image.

Xavier- get the hell out Mckenzie, I will be sure to call both your father and brother and let them know if they want my help they will keep you out of all my business deals with them, I will only deal with them I have warned you but you still keep going.
Leave now before you make it worse on yourself.

Xavier pov - as soon as she left, I through my laptop across my office.
Picked up my phone to call Mr Reynolds

Mr Reynolds- Xavier how was the meeting with my daughter is she still there I am sure you to have a lot catching up to do

Xavier- I am only saying this once never send her to handle any business she does not know how to keep professional.
Questioning my choices and my son saying the woman I love will die so why would I want to marry her, Mr Reynolds I am telling you this if you want to keep my support you have better keep your daughter in line and make sure she knows her place.

Mr Reynolds- of course Xavier please don't do anything drastic I will deal with her I will make sure she knows, she will apologise how bout dinner.
We will talk it out our families have been friends for generations.

Xavier- very well, you may come tonight my place.
( hangup)

Xavier pov- after I hanged up I took a deep breath contemplating if it was a good idea to invite them, I know are families have been friends for years but what she said was uncalled for yes her and I use to date back in high school but I broke up with her when I new she only wanted more money and the power that came with the the last name King.
Not to mention she slept with my best friend and more then half of the football team she loved attention and would give it up to anyone who gave it to her, I never told the families this I didn't have the heart to destroy her family with this news it would destroy them no one would ever do business with them if word got out about there daughter's true reputation.

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