14 years later

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Xavier pov- I can't believe it's been 14 years, 14 years of bliss yet that aching pain in my heart for Ally still makes me feel slight guilt don't get me wrong I love Aria with all my heart she has given me two amazing kids and helped  raised Ziggy to be the man we are proud of today, he is 20 he graduated early and is now working with me in my company and when I feel he is ready I will retire and hand everything over to him.
Our other son is Markus his 15 and then our youngest and only girl my princess Alison or Ally yes that's right we both agreed to name her after Ally who became an Angel and brought us together and let me tell you this she is going to be the death of me I over heard her and Aria talking she went to a party which by the way I had no idea about they probably left me out of it because I will say no but  I just I should have know Markus went to a party that night I now know it's the same one anyways she was blushing telling her mother she had her first kiss I was so mad I was fuming so I barged into the kitchen where they were talking.

Xavier- "what Party, which boy so I can make sure he never looks your way ever, you are far to young to be kissing any boy young lady.
I certainly don't remember telling you that you could go.

Ally - that is so unfair dad, you let Markus go but not me his only a year older then me and you also let Ziggy go too when he was my age why am I so different huh? ( I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes putting both my hands on my hips , I know the reason why I just want to show him how wrong he is.

Xavier- loose the attitude little lady, you are a girl it's different I know how young boys think so there will be no boys if I ever find out your kissing ,hugging going to any parties I swear I will take you out of that school and send you too st Agnes school for girls do I make myself clear, you can go straight to your room your grounded.

Ally - "what, but that's not far , "god your such a tyrant when it comes to me going out but when it comes to the boys you let them do as they please that's a double standard "AARGG!!!!!!

Xavier- " NOW and don't look at your mother I have words for her too, seem she new that you where going there go to your room( I watched her storm off  mad at me but what got to me more  and broke my heart was for the first time she said she hates me my little princess, I shakes it off looking over at Aria)
Don't look at me like that why the hell would you let her go to that party, do you know what teenage boys do at those parties.
"How could you be so stupid and irresponsible, anything could happen to her.

Xavier pov - I could see her eyes glossing over, I could tell she was holding back her tears I instantly felt guilty about what I said but before I could say anything she ready ran off upstairs I decided to leave her for a while we both need so space I decided a walk around the ground would be good it was a nice day not a cloud in the sky or so I thought  clouds started to form and one was coming directly to me then a light appeared and sitting on the cloud with wings of a Angel was Ally, I dropped to my knees just like the first time  when I saw her tears started swelling up  and slowly started falling down my face her hand gently wipes away the tears then her smile  that graced her face turn into a slight scroll which told me she wasn't happy.

👼🏻Ally - Xavier now tell me why I heard you going of at Aria and Ally like that, I know how protective you are but keeping her locked away will do nothing but make her want to ran away from you, she is a good girl you have both raised her right.
Aria is only giving her some freedom to be a normal teenager to go to a party and have fun with some first, what you said to her was incredibly rude and hurtful, I have never seen her cry this much, I have never seen her so sad you have truly hurt her so much and it came from the man who promised to never hurt her and always protect her from anyone who would try to hurt her but yet it is you who is hurting her Xavier you need to make this right.
Before I go you need to have a serious talk to our son I am not to happy, there is this girl his been seeing I do not like her she is using him and she is also pregnant but it is not his child you need to talk to him, I would go see him myself but I scared I might freak him out it didn't go well the last time.

Xavier- I will , I will make it right, Ally he was young back then his grown man now and yes I know the girl, I will play nice and with out her knowing I will do a DNA test the Prenatal ones so he can see but maybe you should pay him a visit too, thank you Ally you also know what to say to set me straight.

Ally- goodbye my love until next time....

Xavier pov- I watch the cloud she was sitting on float up along with the clouds until once again the sky was clear, I snapped out of the daze I was in and headed inside to make things right with my girls I think I will start with Aria Ally is to hot tempered like me she will need to more time to cool off.
I will sort everything in regards to Ziggy and this woman who's name I can't remember tomorrow right now it's about Ally and Aria.

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