In The Dead of Night

398 11 2

Warnings: Death, Comas, Hospitals, Fainting

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (Brothers), Gritho


Grian was standing on the edge of the roof edge with his back turned to Etho as the sun was setting behind them.

"I'm glad you decided to tie the knot." Etho chuckled, "It's great the way terrible minds think alike."

"Hey, I never said anything about terrible minds." Grian chuckled, "But it is dangerous."

"It's fine. They'll get over it."

Grian laughed at the man's words. They then felt the world shake, Grian looked around and to his left, he saw a purple pulse of power wrecking its way through the land. The moment it passed over the two, Grian's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fainted, falling off the roof. Etho then jumped off after him and just barely caught him before the man hit the ground.

Etho pushed Grian's hair out of his face, "Grian? Grian, wake up!"

He bit his lip and called Xisuma.

"I know you felt it to-"

"Xisuma, Grian fainted. He's not waking up. I need help!"

"He fainted?"

"YES. I need to get him help!"

"Bring him to my base."



"No! I literally cannot fly! I was able to glide to the ground but I can't fly. Something's wrong with Grian!"

"I'll teleport you two here then."


The head Watchers were all under attack. The temple was crumbling.

"What about the out of realm Watchers sir?! They can help!"

"We can't risk them coming here! They'll be killed!" The Master Watcher states, "Find the healer. We'll need his help."

"But sir! How will we protect the rest!?"

An explosion racked through the temple causing it to fall even more. The master Watcher summoned his books and sent out a spell.

"That'll protect them all."

"What did you do?"

"Until everything's been situated, they'll remain in comas until the release spell is sent out. NOW FIND THE HEALER!"

An explosion three times the size of the previous sent rubble on top of the master Watcher. The two heads both escaped in the smoke.


Grian laid unconscious in his hospital bed, his heart monitor beeping steadily and blood pressure stable. Xisuma gently grabbed Grian's left hand, then the doctor walked in, "Is my brother gonna he okay?"

"The truth is Mr. Void, we don't know." The doctor started, "We can't find anything in his tests that say this is a human, or Watcher, case."

"There has to be something!"

"We're sure there is. But we can't find it. You'll have to take him to the Watcher's directly."

"He won't make the portal trip. His body is too weak."

The doctor put his hand on Xisuma's shoulder, "The Watchers are his only hope."

"Where am I gonna find a Watcher? The portals won't work and no one's sent messages or anything!"

"Calm down, all his vitals are stable, so he's not a major concern yet."

"Don't say yet."

"Well, our Watcher specialist hasn't checked in nor has he sent a message. So the only thing we can do without help is hope."

The doctor left, Xisuma put his hand on Grian's cheek, "Break out of this. Not just for me, but for Etho too."


After the carnage was over, the two head Watchers went back into the rubble and found the master Watcher hurt under twenty pounds of rubble. They placed him in a protective barrier and transported him to a different place in the realm. They then went out on search for the healer.

~ * A * Lot * of * these * today * ~

It was the dead of night, Grian's vitals stayed normal all day with no complications. Two people in black cloaks walked into Grian's hospital room.

"Geez they've hidden this kid well."

"Yeah. Being a hermit has its advantages. One of those being well hidden."

The first Watcher hummed, "Let's wake him."

As they were performing their spell on Grian, his body jerked against the magic.


"SHH." The Watchers hissed, "Stay quiet hermits."

After a minute, The two Watchers that came to help Grian pulled him completely out of his coma. He shot up in his bed and Xisuma hugged him.

"Thank the Void you're alright!"

Grian pushed him away for a moment, unsure of words or how to react. He took off the oxygen mask and looked around the room, "What's going on? Where am I? And who are they?!"

"The surviving head Watchers Grian." Xisuma states, leaving one hand on his shoulder, "They escaped the carnage and came to help you."

"I-I-I don't.... Understand. Car-Carnage!? What is going on?!"

"Just don't worry about it right now. We'll explain everything." The left Watcher said, "Right now we need your healing powers."

Grian looked at them with confusion, "The master Watcher was injured in the battle. He needs your healing powers."

Grian pulled the rest of the machines out of his body, "Check me out. I'm going to help."

Grian's powers pulsed, putting him into a purple vest and black pants with his cloak around his shoulders. The two head Watchers nodded at him and opened the portal.

From there, Grian used his own powers to heal and wake the master Watcher. The Watcher near towered over him.

"Thank you, young Xelqua." He says, "Your help is greatly appreciated."

"Yeah... Next time send an eye through the ender chests. That's what they're there for. I didn't appreciate being put into a twenty four hour coma."

"It was to protect all out of realm Watchers, others are dead."

Grian sighed and turned out towards the sky. He sent his hand aflame and created a golden flower with the smoke. A golden wave went through the realm restoring everything that was broken and healing those who were hurt.

"You know where to find me if you need me."

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