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Warnings: Sam

Relationship: Grian/Etho, Grian/Sam (Toxic)

Omegaverse AU

Before you ask, yes there are movie references. Bite me.


Grian flew through Boatem Town and took in the air with a deep inhale. He smiled at the joy it brought him. He suddenly smelled a hint of mango's.

Grian gasped with a smile, "Etho!" He nearly dive bombed Etho in a hug, "What're you doing here?!"

"Came to see my little Omega." Etho chuckled, "You wanna get lunch?"

"Gladly." Grian took Etho's arm and began walking with him, "What're we having?"

"Steak and cake sound good?"

"Perfect." Grian smiled and moved into Etho's touch. Suddenly, he felt a disturbance that he didn't want to feel. His eyes widened and he froze in his tracks.

"Grian? You okay?"

"He's here... Etho hide me.."

"C'mon." Etho grabbed Grian's wrist and dragged him across the land, "Grian we gotta fly."

The moment the couple took off, Etho got shot back to the ground, the wing of his elytra snagged against the stone.

"He found us.." Grian whispered almost inaudibly, he landed beside Etho and tried unsnagging the wing, "Etho are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't worry about me, you can't let Sam get to you."

"Too late ninja boy."

The two gasped and Etho moved to protect Grian, "Hurt him and I'll murder you."

"I'll think about it." Sam chuckles, then looks at Grian, "Let's go Gree-on."

"No!" Grian shouts, "I'm not your toy, I'm not your mate, and I'm certainly not anything you want me to be!"



Sam threw a potion at Grian and he immediately felt the effects, "You are now. So follow."

"E... Etho..."

"I'll come for you." Etho says, then Sam forcibly dragged Grian away, "Stay strong, Grian."

When Grian could see once again, his vision was blurry and compacted. Grian growled with his confusion and hit a wall. His flames raged through the cell when he heard the hint of Sam's humming.

"Oh calm down you giant buzzard." He heard Sam say, "Here. Eat this."

Sam threw a plant in Grian's cell and Grian hissed at it, refusing to go near it.

"Are you kidding? EAT THE DAMN PLANT!"

Grian sent out a loud screech and moved to the back of the cell. He was currently in his Phoenix form, his talons scraping loudly against the concrete.

"Eat the plant or else."

Another loud screech.

"Fine. We'll do it the hard way then." Sam opened the cell door and Grian tried flying out but Sam grabbed Grian's leg, Grian immediately tried biting at the man, but Sam had a glove on that prevented him from getting hurt as he slammed Grian into the ground and force fed him a plant. In retaliation, Grian managed to bite Sam's neck with a screech, causing the alpha's neck to bleed, "You'll regret that."

Grian's louder screech felt as if it wrecked through the land.

"We have work to do. Let's go." Sam held out his arm, "Arm."


Etho and Xisuma were talking when something caught Etho's attention.

"Etho?" Xisuma asks, "Are you okay?"

"Did you hear that?" Etho whispered, Xisuma shook his head, "Grian's calling for help, we don't have time for a search team. C'mon."

"Etho-" Before Xisuma could finish his sentence, Etho had flown off and he sighed and flew off after Etho. As Xisuma was following Etho he finally managed to speak up, "ETHO! What're you looking for!?"

"Xisuma, can you not hear him?"


"Oh that's right, his claims... He calls out to his alpha."

"That's right, Phoenix have this thing of communicating with their alpha's."


Etho took a hard left and down to the ground, "He's down here."


Grian sat on the arm of the throne when Etho and Xisuma both broke through the door, "Give me back my Grian!"

"You're Grian? HA!" Sam taunts, "Don't make me laugh. He's a bird of prey. He will follow all orders given. Gree-on, human form."

Grian jumped off and turned human, his head tilted to the side. Sam cleared his throat, "See? Perfect pet."

"I just want my Grian back, he's not a pet!"

"If you really want him, try and take him." Sam gloated when Grian had Etho pinned against the wall with a sword to his throat, "He's untameable!"

Etho looked into Grian's orange eye and talked softly to him, "Grian, you're not a pet, you're not an animal. You're my best friend and my mate." Etho brought up a shaking hand, "Just come back to me..."

Sam watched as Grian allowed Etho to put his hand on the Phoenix hybrids forehead, "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! MY SPELL IS TOO POWERFUL!"

"Nothing is more powerful than true love, Sam." Etho said releasing his scent to Grian's senses, "Come back to me buddy..."

As Grian inhaled Etho's scents, his snarling turned into a purr. He fluttered his eyes and his pupils dilated when he looked into Etho's, a small whine spilled from his lips. Grian forced the dagger away and moved more into Etho's touch. His purring got louder to Etho when they both hit their knees on the ground, holding each other tightly.

"That's my boy..." Etho chuckled, pulling the man's face to his, "I knew you could do it."

Grian smiled at him, then felt the spell chain completely break. He pulled his hand to his throat and exhaled softly, "Can we go home?"

"We have to get rid of Sam first. Then you'll be safe once more." Etho nodded at Xisuma, "Now."

Xisuma put down the ban hammer on Sam, causing the rabbit hybrid to disappear, "If he ever comes back and is in his rabbit form, I hope Grian kills him."

"It'll happen." Etho chuckled, "It's normal."

"After all I am a bird of prey." Grian laughed, "That part was correct."

Grian moved under Etho's chin, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


"Snuggle party?" Grian asked sweetly, his eyes looking like a puppy dog's.

"Snuggle party." Etho chuckled, picking up the smaller man and following Xisuma out the door.

The next morning, the skies were pink and orange, Etho woke up to Grian's semi-loud purring. Grian let out a squeaky yawn but continued to sleep. Etho smiled and pulled Grian closer to his chest, "Sleep tight love..."

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