Scared and Confused

287 13 5

Warnings: Grian bites

Relationship: Grian/Etho


Grian's always bit people, even if it was people he knew.

Grian attacked the hands of his friends and attacked the hand of his father. When he screeched, it rang through the land. Etho being an ice Phoenix, had flown up to Grian only to have him attack him with fire and ice.

When he landed, he looked at Xisuma, knowing the worried looks in the others faces.

"I don't know how this happened!" Etho rubbed his head, after grabbing a book from his inventory, he spoke once more, "He's scared and confused! And I don't know how to help him."

"Well we need to do something, we can't just let him continue to attack the Boatem crew!" 

"X." Etho groaned, slamming the boo closed and turning towards the admin, "I am TRYING to help him. BUT I CAN'T HELP HIM IF I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG!"

They heard Grian screech and dive down.


Etho stood his place and let Grian attack him. Etho managed to grab Grian by his neck and pin him to the ground. He felt around Grian's body while he tried to thrash out of his grip. Etho pinched something under Grian's wing that made him spit up a crystal. Etho glared at Xisuma, "Who let him swallow a crystal?"

Each hermit shrugged. Etho felt Grian relax and he picked him up, "I'm taking him to bed. I'll update you all on his... Condition."

Grian woe up hours later with what looked like a rather angry Etho at his bedside. Though in his human form, he remembered what he had done while out of control.

"You're... Mad at me... Aren't you?"

"Should I be?" Etho snarked, "You ate a crystal that made you attack EVERYONE."

A moment of awkward silence, "Hug?"


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