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Warnings: Implied Torture, Burns, Implied Kidnapping, Blood

Relationship: Gritho


Grian hung by chains shirtless. Sam walked inside the cell whip in hand. Grian's head hung heavily, straining his neck ever so slightly.

"Wake up." He says, striking the whip across Grian's chest, "Talk."

Grian lifted his head, "I'm not a dog."

"Then why are you tied up like one?"


"So dumb. You could escape at any time. Yet here you are."

He listened to Sam's monologue then smelled something all too familiar.

"Sam.." Grian starts, "SAM. That's the smell of smoke. Let me out of here!"

"No. Die here like the weakling you are."

Sam left leaving Grian hanging with the smoke quickly bombarding his senses.

"Okay... Think Grian... Bobby pins." He leaned his head towards his right hand and pulled out a bobby pin from his hair then began picking the locks. He heard loud crashes above him and realized the building was collapsing.

One chain.

He swung to the left and picked the other lock quickly. Then ran through the hall over and started panicking when the doorway was doused in flames. He turned around and the room he was in collapsed.


Grian looked towards the inflamed door, "This is a stupid idea." He ran into the flames while shielding his face. He could feel his feet starting to slightly burn and felt his shoulder burning and realized it was on fire. He patted it out and winced, he then started to ignore the pain continued running through the rooms. He heard the telltale sound of sirens outside.

He made his way to the wall when half the building started collapsing. He coughed harshly when he fell against the nearest wall, "I need a vent or something... There has to be one around here somewhere." He found nothing and rushed through the building farther finding two other doors and breaking through the final exit with his arm slightly on fire. After rolling on the ground, he took a moment to  breathe on his back then sat up and walked towards the sirens.


"Let's get this done! Shelby I need you on the west side with Probie. James, TJ, get the hose and start putting out the fire."

Scar heard a shout and looked towards it, "Holy shit!"


"Is that Grian?!"

Ren looked over and saw a man limping towards him, "Holy shit! That's Grian!"

Scar ran over and helped Grian walk to the back of the ambulance, "Are you okay dude?"

"No..." Grian strained, "Shoulder."

Grian fell faint and was moved to a gurney, "These burns are bad... Call the burn ward."

"Get him out of here. Call me when he's out of surgery."

"On it."

Grian woke up in ICU hours later, when his vision cleared, he noticed a white haired man. He took a deep breath, "Etho... Hey."

He wasn't expecting to startle the man, "Gri! Thank goodness you're awake."

"I'm sure I'll live."

"You were on fire! Your entire right side is scarred up with muscle damage."

"I guess that mean's you'll have to nurse me back to health then."

Etho chuckled slightly, "Don't joke with me right now... You've been missing for a month and have nerve damage. You have no idea how worried I was."

Grian adjusted himself in his bed to sit up, immediately wincing at the pain on his right arm, "Etho, I have a decent idea. The only reason... Well two reasons, I went with Sam was because one, he had me at gunpoint, two he threatened to kill you. And I didn't want to see you hurt."

A moment of silence.

"I'm so fired."

"Grian, you're not fired." Etho said bringing out a sheet of paper, "You're on leave with pay."

"In other words I'm fired."

"No.." Etho grabbed Grian's hand, "You can't be a firefighter anymore, but you can help them in other ways. Safer ways. Ways that won't kill you."

Two Weeks Later

"Etho?!" Grian shouts walking down the stairs of their home, "Etho? Where is this man?"

"Grian, kitchen!"

Grian rolled his shoulder as he walked over to the kitchen where he smelled baked goods, "Are you making cookies?"

"It's dessert. No touchy."

"Then why'd you call me in here?"

"You were looking for me."

Grian hummed and sneakily grabbed a cooled cookie from the bowl, "Thanks for the cookie!"


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