Black Phoenix

341 13 5

Warnings: Trafficking, Implied *things*, mild blood, torture, kidnapping, murder?

I don't remember the rest, if you find them let me know. This thing has been in the works for a couple days now, lol.

Relationship: Grian/Etho

Co-Writer: mosspawz


Xisuma and Ren busted into a trafficking ring, what was suspicious was that there was almost nothing and no one there. They had believed they'd walked into a trap. But come to find out, the traffickers only took what they could and high tailed it out of there.

Ren heard a faint chirping against the back walls and opened the cage. They found inside what looked to be a young Phoenix mix breed with an ice breed. The mix breed started hissing at the two when they reached in, but the two birds bit at the duo's hands.

The mixed breed shrieked at them, Xisuma and Ren took steps back.

"We need to get them out of here."

"They won't let us pick them up X. What do we do?"

"Well we can't knock them out. It'd harm them more." Xisuma thought for a moment, then looked at the mixed breed, "Maybe they're hungry?"

Ren watched as Xisuma took out a bag of seed and dumped a small amount in front of them.

The two hermits listened to the two Phoenix's chirp, seemingly talking to each other. They saw the mix breeds head feathers rise, but the ice Phoenix coaxed them down. Xisuma and Ren had opened two carriers at this point, already pre-made to be comfortable, and they carefully grabbed both birds with little to no fighting.

When they got the two Phoenixes to their facility for rescues, the ice phoenix and mixed had to be kept together to keep the mixed calm.

As Scar and Cub gave them health checks, the mixed one was found to be egg bound and undernourished meaning his egg's didn't have what they needed to survive yet.

Scar put the mixed phoenix on a high protein diet and fed the two at the same time and together, they all noticed how the two would chirp to each other first the ice would eat one fish first then after a while the mix would eat his fill then rest while the ice ate.

However as day's passed only the ice phoenix grew a tiny bit to trust them, the mixed was still cautious and growing ill.

One morning they walked into the room, the ice phoenix was screeching on the top of his lungs and the mix wasn't responsive.

After hearing the continuous screaming from the ice Phoenix, the hermits had to move the mix breed and started trying to get the young bird to respond again.

After doing an ultrasound, they discovered that one of the eggs had shattered inside and was causing internal bleeding for the Phoenix. Sadly, none of the bird's eggs survived.

The ice Phoenix never stopped its loud screaming until the hermits returned his mate to him alive and breathing.

Though still asleep, the ice Phoenix had started to groom the other. Trying to make the other as comfortable as possible.

Though when the mix woke up, he refused to try and eat, only drinking the water provided.

Two weeks into their care, Cub notices something about the mixed breed. It's right eye was almost greyed over, but still barely showed the iris colour.

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