Stuck In the Nether

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Warnings: Implied Blood, Injury

Relationship: Grian/ZIT


Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango all were in the nether when Tango spotted something that looked like a crash site.

"Yo, that ain't right." Tango shouted, "It's full of Piglins!"

Impulse flew more overhead and saw a hermit in red laying on the ground, "I think it's Grian! We gotta help him!"


Grian laid hurt on the Netherack floor, a Piglin Brute was quickly inching its way closer to him. He had no way of fighting back because he had crash landed and lost his communicator.He prayed that the Brute would just go away. But it never did, he hoped that he'd get a quick death, but the hit from the Brute never came. Only a shout of, 'Come get me ya punk!'. 

 He jumped when he felt hands against him. But he realized that it was only Impulse and Zedaph. 

"Hey buddy, I don't think that Brute wanted to be friends." Impulse said in a soft voice, "We'll get you out of here."

Their voices started echoing, but the last thing Grian heard was the shout of Impulse calling for Tango.

"Go, go, go!" Tango shouts, snatching Grian out of Impulse's arms, "I don't think the Piglins want to be friends, G!"

"Go to hell."

Tango smirked when he heard Grian mumble that, "I am in hell! I am the king of hell!" Zedaph and Impulse were then beside him, "Let's get him to the base, get him healed up."



After a while, Grian was sleeping in Tango's bed. It was late in the evening, so Zed decided to sleep too.

"Those healing potions really helped." Tango whispered, "Are we gonna tease him in the morning?"

"Oh yeah."

~In The Morning~

Grian sat up with his left shoulder in pain, but he ignored it and got out of bed, walking into the main room.

"Hey! Grian's up!" Tango chuckled, "Did you have a good sleep?"

"If that's what you wanna call it, sure." Grian mumbled, "Did you guys get me out of the Nether?"

"Oh yeah." Impulse interrupted, Tango started to chuckle, "We saw you trying to make goodie goodie with a Piglin Brute. So I don't think the Brute wanted to be buddies with you."

"First of all, I crash landed." Grian corrected, throwing an apple at Impulse's head, "Secondly, my rockets ran out then my Elytra broke. I hit the ground head first."

"That's what you want us to believe."

Grian glared at Tango, "Did you let the Brute bite your butt, or did you just tease it?"

"You're one to talk about teasing."

"Oh yeah?"


Tango smirked before grabbing Grian's shirt, "Why don't you say 'hi' to the Ravagers, I've not fed them yet."

"As much as I would love to be eaten by a Ravager, I have better things to do."

"Yeah, like healing!"

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