Our Werewolf Part 1(OT4)

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Bold Italics=Wheein

*you know why I choose Solar as a werewolf and not Wheein...cause she always howl when she is annoyed...I saw a video on that and decided to bring it to this universe*

Feat. Yandere loser crew and a super submissive yongsun

This may leave a cringe impression on you

Solar POV
Fuck they are all gone...I only went hunting for a few hours and the how entire werewolf kingdom got captured by the vampires, what am I suppose to do now...I can't fight all the vampires at all...I am suppose to protect them, they are my family...I failed as the leader of the pack.

"They must have planned this...stupid Solar" It's my fault, they know we werewolves aren't that strong that's why we choose to hide in dark places away from the vampires so they can't find us, even worse we have at least 5000 werewolves in an army they probably have more than that...and at least 98% of the werewolves are killed.

"I'm sorry". I said as I walked through all the dead bodies, the blood all smeared on the walls and some drowning in their blood, If I can't protect them...what kind of leader am I.

I knelt in front of my sister dead body and held onto it for a few minutes, She was suppose to the leader...none of this would have happened if my parents choose her.

"I'm sorry...I failed to protect us...I'm probably the worst leader in history"

"Awww...poor thing". I dropped my sister body and turned around, 3 Vampires were leaning against the wall and smirking at me.

"She looks delicious". The shorter one rushed in front of me grabbing onto my chin and examine me...

"Babe...be nice, she just lost her whole entire pack". The one that just spoke have very sharp nails, she was much tanned than the other 2.

"What a surprise...3 beautiful vampires standing in front of me, I thought you would have devoured all the blood here by now" I kicked the small girl away from me gaining a sadistic look from them.

"She's perfect baby...look how fluffy her tail is".

"She's the one for us".

"I want her too babe...she does seem a little feisty". My ears perked up at that sentence and I felt a shiver down my spine...what is wrong with them.

I think I got myself in a bad situation...I walk backwards for awhile and ran, I shouldn't look behind me right now, they are sadistic people...all 3 of them are crazy...I ran out of the door and was surrounded by vampires guards...I didn't see them just now, 3 bats suddenly flew in front of me and shape shift...it's no wonder I didn't see them they turned into bats

"Capture that werewolf now". I kicked past them and ran into the forest, they are just right behind me...

I was almost out of the forest before getting caught by one of the girls from before.

"Don't you dare run away". Her grip is very strong, she had me pinned against a tree and the others came and held me on the floor.

"Grrrr...LET ME GO". I growled at them.

"She's a little noisy...we got to fix that".

("Your highnesses what should we do with this werewolf")

"I want her to be our pet, what do you think babe".

"I think that's a good idea".

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