Chapter one. A new symbol

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(Thank You Guardian_Angel-21 for making the cover for this story).

Izuku and Katsuki stood there in horror at the sight of what they are seeing. All Might the number one hero in Japan and in the world was there in his true form. All Mights arm was hanging limply to his side obviously broken and All for one was closing in on him.

Izuku started breathing hard and new what he had to do but before he could leave Iida stopped him "Midoriya I know that look in your eye and I can't let you leave think of the consequences" said Iida while keeping a firm grip on Izuku's shoulder.

"I know Iida but I have to he needs my help and I can't just stand here and do nothing" said Izuku who ripped Iida's arm off and started rocketing towards where All Might was and ignoring his friends yelling for him to come back.

"So All Might how does it feel to be loosing how does it feel to know that this is all your fault" said All for one while starting to float towards All Might fully intent on killing him but not before breaking him more. "I find it quite ironic on who you chose as your successor, but then again if you knew who he truly was you'd never have chosen him".

"What the.. hell are you talking about?" said All Might while struggling to stand up and face All for one.

"Haha wouldn't you like to know, but sense I want to break you some more I shall tell you.." said All for one who then spread his arms out. "Why Izuku is my s-".

All for one was cut off by a streak of green lighting and a fist smashing into his face while hearing "DETROIT SSMMMAAAASSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" the punch launched All for one across the crater and into one of the collapsed buildings.

All Might looked wide eyed at Izuku who was standing there where All for one just was "y-young Midoriya WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW!!" yelled All Might hoping desperately that his son in everything but blood would listen to him.

"I'm sorry All Might... but I can't loose you.., you were the father I never had and you promised me you'd live to see me become number 1. So please let me help you so you don't make the same mistake as your predecessors did" said Izuku looking at All Might with a fire in his eyes and determination in his voice.

All Might stood there silently before he smiled and slowly stood up "very well young Midoriya I need your help and to make sure you don't get in trouble I give you permission to use your quirk to help me defeat that monster". Said All Might while walking to and standing next to Izuku.

"Well I wasn't expecting that but to believe he has that much strength..." thought All for one while standing up. All for one looked at Izuku and All Might and couldn't help but remember back years ago when he was holding a baby that made him willing to give up being the ruler of the underworld for so that he can be with him as the baby grew up.

"Young Midoriya I'll be the shield and you be the spear strike fast and hard while I take the blows and deal the damage" said All Might grabbing the few remaining flames of one for all to fight his enemy.

"Right" said Izuku who powered up one for all to 20% and disappeared in a flash trying to flank one for all, with All Might charging at him. All Might ran up to All for one and tried to smash his fist into face which All for one blocked, but before he could counter Izuku was behind him and smashed his leg into the back of his head. All for one fell to the ground where All Might pressed the advantage "TEXAS SMASSSHHHHHHH!!!!!" yelled All Might who smashed his fist into All for ones gut which made him spit out blood.

"Air canon times 3, shock absorption times 4, kinetic booster times 3" said All for one who threw his arms towards All Might to get ready to blow him away. But before he did Izuku came back up and kicked his arm away which allowed All Might to throw another smash at him "DETROIT SMASH!" the punch blew All for one back who lifted his arms again but he held back the blow because Izuku was there.

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