Chapter Twenty Seven. Leaving For America

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"Smash" said Eri imitating Izuku as he was training.

"Hehe good job Eri" said Ochako Patting her head, making her smile.

"Thanks mommy" said Eri.

"20%" said Izuku as he blitzed forward and started to bounce off the training obstacles at insanely high speeds. As he was doing this he couldn't help but notice something that has been bothering him for a long time. "Dad said that my quirk should be stronger than his but... Why doesn't it feel like it? Whenever I do punches or kicks they are equal to his and not stronger".

He soon landed on the ground and took a deep breath of air to help calm his nerves.

"Ready Izuku?" Said All Might holding a stop watch.

"Yea..." Said Izuku who got Into a runners position and waited for the signal.

"GO!" Yelled All Might watching Izuku blitz forward using 40%.

After a couple seconds he ran around the entire track and was standing next to All Might.

"2.5 seconds.... That's the same as mine using 40%... You should be way faster than me..." Said All Might in confusion.

"That's what I was thinking and not only that but some times when I use extremely powerful moves I feel as if my strength doubles for that moment" said Izuku.

"Hmm... Maybe your quirk is holding you back?" Said All Might.

"W-what? what do you mean?" Asked Izuku in confusion.

"Well no one else has ever been able to use the other users quirks. So maybe the quirk isn't allowing you to use your full strength till your strong enough" said All Might. "But I may be wrong... Only time will tell is all I can say".

"Thanks dad... And if that is the case I need to push myself even harder" said Izuku.

"Don't push too hard, your still young and have a daughter to take care of. Plus I'm sure your girlfriends wouldn't be to happy that you spend all day training instead" said All Might.

"Yea... They'd probably kill me..." Said Izuku.

"Oh right I just remembered something I was supposed to tell you sooner but because of the Aldera situation I forgot" said All Might. "The number 1 hero of America wants you to come to America so she can meet you, and if you prove yourself she wants to teach you".

"What! You mean Stars and Stripes thenumberoneherooftheUnitedStateswantstomeetme?" Said Izuku before he went into one of his muttering sprees.

All Might simply sighed and chopped Izuku on top of his head.

"Hehe papa is funny" said Eri walking over to them with Ochako right behind her.

"So what were you two talking about?" Asked Ochako walking up to them.

"Oh well um... Apparently the number 1 hero of America wants to meet me and had invited me to America" said Izuku.

"Wow that's amazing Izuku" said Ochako.

"Papa... Are you leaving me..." Said Eri worried that Izuku is gonna go away.

"What! No no no snowball I'm not leaving, I'll only be gone for maybe a little while then I'll be right back. And of I did leave to do this, when I do return I'll be sure to spoil you" said Izuku hugging her and comforting her.

"Well If you do agree to this then I'd suggest asking Nezu when he gets back" said All Might.

"Where is Nezu anyways?" Said Izuku.

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