Chapter Forty Nine. Keep Moving Forward

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Izuku was in Might Tower waking up from his nap and he looked over at the picture of his girlfriends and daughter on his night stand.

He slowly got up and looked at his arms at the new scars he has from all his numerous fights and from the Nomu the other day.

"I miss you three..." Said Izuku with cold colorless eyes that had bags under them and were bloodshot.

More parts of his hair have become white and his hair is starting to get long and grow out like it was before he left for America.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen where he saw All Might, Best Jeanist and Hawks eating breakfast and discussing where to go next.

Izuku walked to them and grabbed his plate of food that was left on the counter for him and sat at the table and turned the TV on to see the news.

On the screen was a man with green skin and had two people on either side of him.

"Hello Japan I'm here with two guests who we will hear two different opinions on what's going on" said the man who then gestured to the woman. "Now let's begin with you Ms".

"Thank you. I believe what's going on is terrible and it's a good thing we have heroes like Deku, Hawks, and Best Jeanist leading the assault. On the league of villains trying to save us.

It's sad that we have to rely on them and all the other heroes out there just so we can feel safe. And this is to all heroes out there risking their lives to protect us from them. Thank you" said the woman bowing.

Izuku saw this and had a small smile on his face.

"Thank you now let's hear our other guests opinion on what's going on" said the man gesturing to the other guest.

"Personally I think it's all Deku's fault. He's the son of a super villain and should be thrown in jail. Not only that but apparently he has a quirk that can steal people's quirks. What's stopping him from deciding to take our quirks and kill us all".

"Don't blame the son for the father's sins! If it wasn't for him All Might and lots of other heroes would be dead!!".

"If he's such a good hero then why are in this situation!! He should have defeated Shigaraki easily but he didn't and now we have to suffer from his failure.

I'll tell you what I think. He's a cold blooded killer who killed a villain named Overhaul who should have been out on trial and thrown in Tartarus".

"Overhaul was a monster who committed crimes against humanity! From what was released he experimented on a little girl. To make some type of drug because of her quirk! And I'm happy he killed him because monsters like that don't deserve to live!!".

"What gives us the right to decide who we should kill? We are all humans and regardless of the crime we shouldn't. Put the person to death or kill them".

"If we went by that logic then that means Shigaraki should just be thrown in jail!. What about the 57 million innocent people he killed in the 3 cities he destroyed!?". Yelled the woman standing up glaring at the man. "That's almost near the same number of casualties in world war II!!".

"That's still no excuse. We shouldn't kill people regardless. Deku is a cold blooded killer and should be treated as a villain because of his quirk and that he killed people".

"Woah woah woah let's calm down here. Sorry everyone but I'll have to end this right here and now and I'll be seeing you all tomorrow".

Izuku looked down and lost his appetite.

"Dad... What are we fighting for..." Said Izuku looking down. "And... Should I be treated as a killer...".


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