Chapter Seven. Izuku Vs Katsuki and redemption

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Izuku and Katsuki stood and stared at each other and the tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

"What?.. no Kacchan I'm not going to fight you, I just got my license and I'd rather not loose it over your ego". Said Izuku making Katsuki grind his teeth in anger.


"What no, I don't think I'm better than  you I-" said Izuku before he was cut off by having to duck from a punch.

"I'M TIRED OF YOUR SHIT YOU FUCKING DEKU NOW FIGHT ME!!!" Yelled Katsuki throwing explosions at Izuku.

Izuku kept dodging not wanting to strike back and get in trouble "Kacchan stop I don't want to fight you".

"I don't give a shit" said Katsuki throwing a explosive punch that hit Izuku and launched him down the road.

"All you've ever done is fucking look down on me and I'm tired of it and now fucking All Might is openly supporting you. I'M SUPPOSED TO NUMBER 1 NOT YOU AND NOW IM GOING TO REMIND YOU WHY YOU BELONG ON THE GROUND BENEATH ME DEKU!!!!!". Said Katsuki launching explosions behind him to rocket at Izuku.

Izuku gritted his teeth in anger and got himself in a fighting stance and once Katsuki was in striking range he launched his leg out.

Izuku's foot smashed into Katsuki's face with so much force it almost knocked him out but he stood up and glared at Izuku.

"You were supposed to be a fucking pebble you damn Deku" said Katsuki standing up.

"Kacchan stop I don't want to fight you" said Izuku desperately.

"I told you I don't give a shit and now I'm going to remind you why your so fucking weak and should've taken my advice". Said Katsuki launching back at Izuku and tackling him to the ground because he was stunned on what he said.

"Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a better quirk in the next life" those words rein in Izuku's head. And all Izuku felt was anger years of suppressed hatred and sadness because of what happened to him were finally let out in this moment.

Katsuki still had Izuku pinned was beating him up and was about to slug him with another explosive punch. When suddenly we decked in the face so hard it knocked a tooth out and flew over 200 feet.

"You damn FUC-" said Katsuki before he was interrupted be a knee slamming into his face and breaking his nose.

Izuku the launched Blackwhip at him and pulled him back and punched him in the chest before he used Blackwhip and swung Katsuki into a building.

Katsuki slowly stood up "what the fuck" said Katsuki before Izuku was right above him and tried to punch him. Katsuki was able to move fast enough and was glad he did because the punch destroyed the entire floor.

"GET OVER HERE KACCHAN!!" Yelled Izuku using Blackwhip to pull him back and punch him into another building.

Katsuki slammed into it and quickly used a explosion to get out of the way of Izuku's fist which toppled the building.

Katsuki was starting to feel scared because this wasn't Deku, no this was nothing but pure suppressed rage.

"Deku fucking cal-" Katsuki was cut off by Izuku appearing Infront of him and slamming his fist into his gut so hard he puked blood.

"HOW DOES IT FEEL KACCHAN!!" Yelled Izuku lifting him up and slamming him into the ground. "HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE A DEKU!!".

Katsuki's eyes widened when he heard this and was brought back to past.

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