Chapter Ten. Sir Nighteye And A Lost Soul

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Izuku was sitting in his office the next day and was dealing with a great evil. It was so evil and vile that even gods try and avoid it, and no man or woman should ever have to do.


"Ugh" said Izuku as he slammed his head on his table "how did dad deal with this much paperwork...".

Izuku looked up and saw two more stacks of paperwork, luckily most of the paperwork is just filling out papers on his hero work.

As he went back to it and started filling out his report about catching that 20 story building the other day. A knock on the door caught his attention "come in" said Izuku.

"Excuse me Mr. Midoriya but you have a guest wishing to see you" said his secretary.

"Hm who is it?" Asked Izuku.

"He said his name is Sir Nighteye" said his secretary noticing Izuku scowl for a moment.

"Ugh... Fine send him in, might as well see what he wants" said Izuku as he put his paperwork to the side.

A couple minutes later Sir Nighteye walked in the room and looked around. "Hm I see you made yourself at home here" said Nighteye walking up to him and sitting down across from him.

"What do you want Nighteye" said Izuku not wanting to deal with him.

"I've come here to talk and ask what will do as a hero" said Nighteye.

"I'll save people with a smile and inspire hope in them" said Izuku.

"Hmm and what will do in situations where you can't save someone" said Nighteye as he interlocked his fingers.

"I'll find a way to save them" said Izuku with a slight frown. "What is it you really want Nighteye".

"I'm trying to figure out why All Might would choose a boy like you, someone who's father ran out on him after showing he was quirkless. And I'm guessing because of you being quirkless you were mistreated and bullied". Said Nighteye with his fingers intertwined "Meanwhile I trained a proper successor that would be able to take his mantle as continue his symbol". Nighteye then glared harshly at Izuku "but instead we have you a boy who only survived on sheer dumb luck".

"I really don't know why you have so much hatred for me, but all I'm trying to do is save people. All Might chose me to be his successor because he saw something in me and not just what you thought was right". Said Izuku before he stood up and looked Nighteye right in his eyes with a glare. "I've had enough bullying to last me a life time and quiet frankly I'm sick of your shit Nighteye so how about you get it through your thick skull and accept it. All Might chose me and not Mirio and I'm not going to let him down because you have your panties in a twist".

Izuku and Nighteye glared at each other for a while before Nighteye stood up and placed down his card. "Then prove it to me and come join me on a patrol in a couple of days and I'll show you how a true hero acts. As well as show you why you should give Mirio One for all". After he said that he left the building.

Izuku slumped back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose from dealing with Nighteye. "As Miruko would say, he really needs that log pulled out of his ass" muttered Izuku with a chuckle.


Izuku just arrived at the 1-A dorms and walked through the doors and saw someone he hasn't seen since the sports festival.

"Hey Shinso how it it going?" Asked Izuku walking up to Shinso who was talking to Tokoyami.

"Hm oh Midoriya how's it going?" Asked Shinso with a small smile.

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