Chapter Thirty Seven. Meta Liberation Army

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1 month later.

"Man Shigaraki looks exhausted" said Spinner looking at his broken and exhausted form.

For the entire month Gigantomachia has been continuously attack him and only giving him 3 hour breaks so he can get himself sleep. He has been relentless and is trying to kill him.

"YOUR NOT WORTHY OF BEING MY MASTER!!!!!" Gigantomachia yelled as he swiped of Shigaraki sending him through multiple trees.

Shigaraki slowly stood up ignoring the pain he was in and glared at him "you will submit to me you damn dog!".

They both charged at each other and Gigantomachia dug his hands in the ground and lifted it from under Shigaraki and threw him in the air.

He was about to try and kill him again when a purple portal opened under him taking Gigantomachia disappear.

Shigaraki slammed on the ground and lifted himself up while trying to ignore the pain he was in from that fall.

"About damn time Kurogiri" said Shigaraki.

"Forgive me but I have been busy" said Kurogiri "I've been moving the Chinese Dragons around for almost 2 months under your orders. So I couldn't just up and leave unless you ordered me too".

"Ugh fine. Are you done moving them around?".

"Yes an-" he was cut off when a massive explosion was heard and they saw the massive dust cloud from it.

"SHIGARAKI!!!!!" screamed Gigantomachia in the far distance.

"The doctor has your reward ready" said Kurogiri ignoring Gigantomachia.

"Good then send me and you keep that beast in check till I return to show him that I'm his owner" said Shigaraki walking through the portal.

"All of you go and rest as well and I'll deal with him till Tomura returns" said Kurogiri as he quickly vanished in a portal.

"I wonder what we'll do now that we have the Chinese Dragons helping us and Shigaraki is getting a massive power up" said Compress.

"Hehe who cares I just wanna see Izu-kun bleed" said Himiko blushing.

Dabi just grunted, he wanted to see his father suffer and was hoping he'd be able to kill him soon.


"So is it finally ready?" Said Shigaraki walking up to Garaki.

"Yes, you shall finally receive All for one, I had to fix it and help strengthen it because for some reason it was very weak" said Garaki confused. "But it will take a lot to finally activate it, remember Nine? It took him months before he was even able to turn it on.

So you won't be able to use it for a while not until it finally adjusts to your body".

"I don't care! I shall have it under my grasp and then I shall take back what's rightfully mine and my masters from Deku" said Shigaraki.

"Well you'll need to cautious since he's much stronger than we expected" said Garaki.

"It matters not... Also contact our spy in UA.. tell him I need whatever information he can gain on Deku or his family is dead. Also inform him I want to know where his mother lives, I wanna break him by killing those he cares for the most".

Garaki grinned evilly hearing this and happily complied "very well... Now get on the table so I can give you your master's parting gift".

Shigaraki got on it and was plugged into the device.

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