Chapter Fifty Nine. We Have To Work Together

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Izuku was sitting next to All Might and they were in a meeting with all the countries leaders Infront of them on screens.

This meeting was to try and get all the countries in the world to work together to stop Shigaraki and the league of villains. Along with all the other villain organization and the massive army of Nomu's across the world.

All Might asked Izuku to come since he was the symbol of hope and was the only hero besides Stars And Stripes who can beat Shigaraki.

"So this is the boy you mentioned that can beat Shigaraki and save us?" Said the prime minister of Britain.

"Yes he is" said All Might "he's getting stronger every single day and soon he'll be strong enough to beat Shigaraki but he'll need our help. Given his allies and his army that he has".

"You expect us to give help when we can't even defend our own countries" said the president of Russia.

"I agree, Shigaraki has made it so we can't help each other because of his army and them destroying our countries along with. Then attacking prisons and releasing thousands of of prisoners" said the president of Brazil.

Soon lots of other countries started to talk and even yell at each other accusing them of only caring for their own or possibly being part of this chaos.

As they continued yelling at each other Izuku was getting angrier until he finally had enough and slammed his hands on the table. Silencing them all as they looked at him.

"I understand where you are all coming from because of these dark times but now isn't the time for us to be at each other's throats!. We are facing humanities darkest hour and here we are bickering like children.

Now isn't the time for any of that, now is the time we try and unite together and for once in humanities history all of us work together. To stop this great evil once and for all instead of us trying to blame the other for meaningless things" said Izuku.

"So what If we have different ideologies or different religion, race, political, or anything like that. Because in the end nothing like that matters because we are human, we are all human so we need to stop thinking we are different. Or special compared to someone else because in the end we are all the same and the only thing that differentiates ourselves to someone else is our upbringing".

Everyone was silent while staring at Izuku unsure what to say at the moment while they digested the words he said.

Izuku looked at them hoping that this will help unite everyone together to stop Shigaraki and to hopefully lead humanity on a better path.

But sadly that didn't happen when a bunch of them simply ended the call while others gave discriminating comments. And some others that thought they were superior gave some very hurtful comments.

"Damnit..." Said Izuku slumping down in his chair.

"That was a very good speech you made young man... I can't promise anything given the state of my country at this moment. But if things start getting better than I'll support you on this endeavor" said the President of the U.S.

"Indeed.. we may not agree with each other but I'll help as well" said the president of Russia.

"I agree, this are hard times but we can't keep tearing ourselves apart because of these petty things and it's time we finally work together. Regardless of our views on each other because in the end that doesn't matter "said the president of India.

Soon a bunch of countries agreed to help once the situation in their own countries comes down enough for them to send aid.

It was only 17 of them in total that agreed to help but it was a start and hopefully this spark will ignite the fire to save the world and light the way to a new era of humanity.

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