Chapter Twenty Nine. Patrols In America

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"COME ON DEKU DON'T SLOW DOWN, WE'VE ONLY BEEN OUT FOR 13 HOURS STRAIGHT NOW!!!" Yelled Star as she flew off looking for more villains.

Izuku panted but quickly shot off and used Float to help him catch up and keep pace with her.

He's been in America for 3 days now and Star has been pushing him to the point she has to call her doctor after each training session or patrol.

"This is police unit 57 we have a hostage situation near the mall in downtown, all available units and hero's are requested to show up" said a officer over the radio.

"Here that Deku? It's about to get serious now" said Star as she shot off heading in that direction.

"Let's hurry then" said Izuku as he put more force into his jumps and caught up to her immediately.

"NO BODY MOVE OR I'LL BLOW THIS LITTLE GIRLS BRAINS OUT!!!" Yelled a man with what looked to be a cannon for his arm. He was holding a little girl around 5-7 years old hostage and was forcing her to look at the body of her mom.

"Mommy..." Said the girl while crying.

Before anyone could say anything Stars and Stripes landed on the ground a couple meters away from the psychopath.

"I'm only going to tell you this once let her go now!" Said Star with a scowl, she absolutely hated people who abused children.

"You think I'm stupid? If I let her go you'll just stop me or worse kill me" said the villain. "Now you all let me go or else this girl will be seeing her mommy real soon".

Star kept quiet while waiting for Izuku to get in position, after a couple seconds she saw him above him and gave her the thumbs up.

"Fine we'll let you leave as long as you leave the girl unharmed" said Star.

The criminal glared at her in confusion, this wasn't like Stars and Stripes at all.

Before he could do anything black wisps shot out from above him and grabbed his arm cannon and pointed it to the ground. While some more grabbed the girl and pulled her away. The next thing he knew someone slammed on top of him and had him restrained.

"Sorry but we can't allow you to do that" said Izuku as he grabbed some quirk cuffs and put them on him.

"Haha good job Deku I knew you can do it, just have to work on your speed more" said Star as she planted her boot on the criminals head. "I'm personally gonna make sure you rot in prison for the pain you put that girl through".

"Ugh... F-fuck... You b-bitch" said the thug.

Star glared at him but ignored it and roughly picked him up and threw him to the police.

"Alright come on Deku let's keep going we have 1 more hour to go" said Star. She turned around and saw him walking to the little girl.

"Are you alright?" Said Izuku as he gently kneeled down before her.

" mommy..." Said the girl crying.

Izuku looked over at her mom's body with sadness and he decided to take a gamble and hug the girl to try and comfort her. "Shh it's ok just let it out".

The girl latched onto Izuku and started to cry into his shoulder as he gently rubbed her back to comfort her.

"Rachel!" Yelled a man in his mid thirties as he grabbed his daughter from Izuku and hugged her.

"Daddy... I.. want mommy..." Said the now named Rachel.

"Shh shh it's ok and I want your mom back too" said the man who turned to Izuku. "Thank you for saving my daughter".

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