Chapter Forty Five. The Truth And Goodbye Izuku

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Izuku stood on top of Gigantomachia who was leaving Tartarus.

Izuku was currently going over the new quirks he has.

All For One, Impact Recoil, Kinetic Booster, Radio waves, Infrared, and a minor healing one.

All of All for ones other quirks we're stolen except for one healing quirk that he kept that is barely keeping him alive.


"Those... Are all... The quirks I can... Give you because... T-thats.. all I have after Tomura... Stole the rest when... I tried to take over... His body.. to steal back my... Quirks so you could have defeated him..." Said All for one weakly.

"Wait... I thought it was like my quirk and it couldn't be taken" said Izuku.

"That.. is only for.. All for one.. itself.. if you have a quirk.. that can steal other... Quirks then you can take them.." said All for one. "But be warned.. it will hunger for more quirks and if you... give it powerful quirks then you'll be.. fine for a while... But you can take a quirk and.. immediately give it to.. someone and it won't hunger... For other quirks".

"Thank you and... I'll right all the wrongs you did father I promise.." said Izuku as he hugged him one last time before he left.

If All for one had tear ducts he would have cried. But he just smiled and leaned back into his chair and fell asleep from exhaustion.

(Flashback End).

Izuku looked up at the distance where he saw UA but All Might caught his attention who was standing next to him.

"Izuku are you ok?" Said All Might.

"Yeah... Just a lot to take in..." Said Izuku.

"I know this is a bad time but me and the other Heroes have been talking and we agreed that the best strategy right now. Would be to have Shigaraki solely focused on you.

Our strategy will require you to leave UA and fight all the villains that are now starting to attack all of Japan giving how weak we are right now".

"Gigantomachia!" Yelled Izuku towards the giant.

"Yes little lord?" He said.

"Will you help me defeat Shigaraki and help save our world from people like him?" Asked Izuku.

"If it is your will Little Lord than I shall do as asked" said Gigantomachia approaching UA.

"Thank you Gigantomachia".

Izuku stared at All Might and nodded his head "I understand... But first I have to talk to everyone and see Kacchan and Gran Torino".


High above Shanghai was a figure wearing a black cloak and had long white hair. He had a massive sickening grin on his face seeing all the happiness and carefree attitude the people had.

"I guess it's time I test out all my new quirks now that they are adjusting to my body" said Shigaraki looking over all his quirks. Plus new healing ones he stole so he wouldn't be hurt like he was again.

He jumped off the Nomu and fell to the ground and before anyone could react or do anything his hand touched the ground and he combined. Decay with HellFlame along with his strength and enhancer quirks.


Izuku was sitting in Katsuki's medical room with all of 1A and some of the staff along with his mom, Rumi, Eri, and Katsuki's parents and girlfriend.

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