Chapter Sixty Three. Traitor

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(In war no one is safe. Men, woman, and children are all victims of it and anyone can be the next victim of it).

Izuku's whole world froze when he learned who the traitor was, he couldn't believe one of his classmates would betray everyone.

Izuku: thank you... Toga...

Toga: no problem Izu.. I'm here if you need to talk

His whole world was shaken from the revelation but he knew he couldn't let this take him down or stop him giving everything they've been through, he had to put his feelings aside and confront Aoyama.

Izuku ran off and started searching the grounds looking for him and everywhere he ran he couldn't find and after 10 long minutes of searching he finally found him.

"I don't... I don't wanna do this anymore.. they are my classmates.." said Aoyama sobbing Infront of his parents.

"I know you don't but we don't have a choice... He threatened to kill you if you don't and I don't want my baby to die..." Said his mother.

"Son I know this is hard but we need you to sell out Deku.. he promised us you'd be safe and that he'd stop killing everyone along with letting us go" said his father.

"Aoyama.." said Izuku catching them all off guard.

Aoyama and his parents froze when they saw Izuku standing there looking at them and complete shock.

"YUGA RUN!!" Yelled his mother as both her and his father grabbed him and started running while they cried.

"Both maman and papan... We're extremely concerned for me over the fact that I was quirkless...

They both supposedly came from wealthy families, they raised me in luxury without an inconvenience in sight, and that's why... They were more hurt than anything that I was 'DIFFERENT'

That's why they wished nothing more than for my happiness and when they heard a rumor about someone who could give quirks they took it.
Although the quirk I received wasn't compatible with my body at all... Maman and papan raised me despite all the hardships with nothing but love.. but then everything changed once I entered UA.

"Tell me when the class will be isolated and Inform where Izuku Midoriya is" said All for one through Aoyama in the USJ.

"Tell me where the UA training camp is, and monitor Midoriya he's a target I want alive for myself to kill.." said All for one.

"And then when he was defeated I was so happy I felt like I was finally free until the day I learned that Midoriya was his son and it finally clicked why he asked me to monitor him. Why he asked me to inform him when he left the school and how strong he was getting.. he used me to make sure that Midoriya became strong but was still safe.

But that all changed when Shigaraki came to power and got All for one" thought Aoyama.

"Now that Deku is in school find a way to separate him from his child and those two women he loves for me to capture them or you know the consequences" said Shigaraki.

"That letter you left... WHEN I FOUND OUT YOU WERE QUIRKLESS JUST LIKE ME I FELL INTO DESPAIR!!!" Yelled Aoyama as he charged up Navel laser.

"AOYAMA DON'T!!!" Yelled Izuku as he charged up One for all and dodged the attack and behind him Toru let it hit her and it deflected off her body.

"My body has the ability to warp light... All of us could have died.. all of Japan was thrown into chaos! AND YOU STILL HAVE THE NERVE TO SIT IN THE SAME CLASSROOM AS US!! YOU LIVED IN THR DORM ROOMS WITH US DIDN'T YOU AOYAMA-KUN!!!!!" Yelled Toru.

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