The Hunt is On

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It has been about a day since the entire life incident. Although Teams RWBY and NPR made a promise to never betray them, and that they'll make sure to prove that they are in fact changed people, the entirety of Night Raid, with the exception of Sheele, are very cautious of the 2 teams in general. But Team RWBY and NPR are doing all that they can to prove that they will not betray them, and are very, very persistent people. So when Night Raid began to pack their things up, Team RWBY and NPR decide to help. But Sans had to go somewhere, in order to find what he was looking for, and Jaune, thankfully, is keeping contact with him through his Scroll. Speaking of Jaune, he is constantly approached by his Team, all because they want to show how sorry he is. But Jaune says that he does not have any time to speak, as he needs to do something important, such as remaining in contact with Sans, and they'll talk again when he comes back.

 But Jaune says that he does not have any time to speak, as he needs to do something important, such as remaining in contact with Sans, and they'll talk again when he comes back

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Weiss is sitting down, as she thinks of how to regain Sans' love and forgiveness. She looks down, her hands intertwined, as she began to think. But as she did...a voice called out to her.

" you mind if I can come in?"

Weiss looks to see Sheele at the door, and Weiss nodded.

"You can."

Sheele nodded, as she went inside of the room, and she spoke out.

"So...what are you doing, Weiss? Are you thinking about Sans, right?"

Weiss sighed and nodded, as she puts her 2 fingers on her chin.

"Yes, Sheele. It is. And honestly...I'm...I just want to think of how I can prove that I am sorry to him. is obvious that Night Raid is not going to believe me, and...Sans...I don't know if he can ever forgive me."

Sheele looks at Weiss eyes...and she spoke out.

"You aren't lying. I can tell that you are being truthful. But...I want to know...why did you betray Sans? He was so kind to you after all that happened?"

Weiss looked down a little bit, guilt and agony present on her face, as she spoke out.

"I...we all had to believed in the ideals of Union Academy, Sheele. We were convinced that the ones with powers were the real heroes, and that the ones without the powers do not deserve to be treated as a person, as the ones without powers, are the ones that are the civilians. So...I guess we were exposed for so long in the influence of Union Academy that I...that we forgot what it truly meant to be a huntress, and we didn't even see ourselves for what we have all done. It was only when...Sans tore it down and hurt us...that we have realized what we had all done. We all swore we would protect people and care for other people. And yet...look at what we did. Even though Sans was never powerless, he reminded us that...we were not holding true to our words, and we acted so much like hypocrites. All we ever to be forgiven by Sans, could be back to the way things were. And more I love for him would never be led astray once again."

The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)Where stories live. Discover now