A Mysterious Man

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Sans, Papyrus, and Chara all went through the portal together, and needless to say, they are not having a very good time right now. They have no idea where they are going right now. In fact. There they are going is very confusing. The portal that Abyss usually summons, now have different directions. It is as though they are in a type of maze of sorts, which makes going through the portal a rather Herculean task to do. But that does not mean that they are going to give up, as they try to go through the portal, and try the best that they can to find a way out.

Sans mind was on the place that they are inside of from before. He has never seen anything like it. Yes, he has heard of the Judgement Hall, sure. But he has never heard of a pocket dimension that has the resemblance of it. Just where did it come from, is the question that he has. And who's idea of having to put all 3 of them inside of the pocket dimension in the first place? And more importantly, why must it be himself, as well as Abyss versions of Swap Papyrus and Shift Chara. Those are answers that he really does want to know, and wants to try and figure out. But as they continue to go through the portal, Alpha's voice than spoke into Abyss' head.

'Abyss, can you hear me?!'

Abyss, noticing the voice, spoke out to Alpha Sans.

'Alpha!! Thank god I can hear you again!! What in the world happened?! Why didn't you say anything while I was inside of that place?!'

Alpha spoke out to Abyss.

"That place...it had somehow prevented me from getting inside. And normally, this never happens to me, as I can usually get inside and go along with you. But...somehow, this place prevented me from ever getting into contact with you. And I am not the only one. Kaho also had that problem with this thing as well. He also has trouble getting inside of the pocket dime shin version Multiverse Judgement Hall. Thank the other gods that you escaped, otherwise, it would have been the end of you."

Abyss blinked at what Alpha said. The pocket dimension that he was in prevented Alpha from trying to get into contact with him? How in the Multiverse is that even possible? Sans than looked down for a little bit, before he looked up forward again, and he spoke out to Alpha in pure confusion and curiosity.

"Do you think it is Error404 that had done that? That had made this place?"

Of course, Abyss already doubts that Error404 would ever make such a place like this. He just wants to make sure that it really is not the case. But Alpha spoke back to Abyss with an answer of his own.

"No. Error404 would not make a place such as this. In fact, he would not trap people for gods-know-how-many years it'll be. He always captures people and begins it to him, or he could also destroy him. He does not trap people in a place like this. No, Error404 is not someone powerful enough to hold me back either, for I am his equal. Howeve...there is only one person that I can think of that can make something such as that. And that person is someone who I d not know if they are alive or not."

Abyss than spoke out.

'And who do you think-'

Before Sans could finish what he is saying to Alpha, Papyrus than spoke out to Sans.

"Hey, Sans...I think you need to see this now."

Sans looked confused, as he, Papyrus, and Chara stopped, as Sans spoke out.

"What is it?"

Papyrus points forward, and Sans looked forward as well...only to be shocked at what he is seeing now before him. There are 3 directions, and each of them glow a different color. One of them glows red, the other glows blue...but the other one is glowing black. The blue and the red are colors of Papyrus and Chara's Abyss Crystals, obviously. But the black one...why is this one here? This made Sans very confused. Why is there not a color of his Abyss Crystal. He does not get it that well. This is so...so strange.

The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)Where stories live. Discover now