Against Gremory Again/Freeing White Kitten

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It has been two days since his battle with Toya, the man that had turned from a good person into someone now evil, as well as the boy that had once saved his life, before he than tried to kill him years later. Clearly, he is in a very bad mood, but he hides it very well, as to make sure that he is not worrying others. But after what happens, he realizes that he is now going  stop being in this fowl mood, due to how much of an effect that it had caused him. So now, he is trying to think of a plan to make himself feel better. But the thing is, though, he has no idea how to do so. He is so enraged that he has no idea his to calm himself down.

Right now, he is on the bed, very enraged with what he had to go through, but is doing al that he can to go and calm down. But for an unknown reason, he can't, even though he literally is doing something that can actually calm down. Guess the rage and disappointment of what he had to go through is just a little too much for Sans to take. Sans than hits his head a bunch of times in hopes he can calm down, but he can't calm down. He than shook his head, as he spoke out to himself.

"Come on, Sans! What is the one way for you that can work in calming down?"

Sans spoke out to himself. As he spoke out, suddenly, a door opens, and than, Eri began to walk into his room with a smile on her face. Sans looks at Eri and made a smile of his own, as Eri than jumps onto the Sans and sat next to Sans, a smile is present on her face.

 Sans looks at Eri and made a smile of his own, as Eri than jumps onto the Sans and sat next to Sans, a smile is present on her face

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"Big Brother? Do you mind if we can go outside together, just to have some fun together?"

Sans looks down at Eri with surprise present right on his face.

"Really? You want to go outside?"

Eri nodded a little bit, and Sans looks down to think about it for a little bit, before he looks up and speak out.

"Well...if that is what you want, than fine."

Eri smiled, as she than jumps out to the bed, and hugs Sans tightly, with Sans hugging back.

"Thank you so much big brother!!"

Sans smiled, as he than hugs Eri a little but tighter, before speaking out to her.

"Your welcome, little sis."

They than looked at each other, as a voice than spoke out.

"Do you mind if I can join along?"

Sans turns around to see Kuroka on Sans' bed as well. This caught Sans by surprise, but than he shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Why would you want to come along with..."

He than looks down, as he feels confused, until an idea clicked in his mind, before he looks up and speaks out to Kuroka.

"It's about a possible encounter with Rias' peerage, right?"

Kuroka nodded, as she spoke out.

"I want to join in because, just in case Rias and her peerage show up, I would show myself in order to fight Rias and her peerage, for what she has done to my sister. So please, allow me to go with you."

The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)Where stories live. Discover now