Fighting Against the Destroyer

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Sans looks up at the glitched entity before his very eyes, as he felt anger and hatred appearing in his eyes, as he than stood up, before speaking out.

"You...I've read about're Error."

Error smiled, as he than spoke out.

"S-S-S-So, a g-g-glitch within the Multi-Multiverse has hear-hear-heard about me. I'd feel hon-hon-honored, if it wasn't from an anomaly as disgusting-ting-ting as you."

Sans, with unhappiness and confusion, spoke out to him.

"'Glitch'? Have you looked at yourself in a mirror, you freaky bug?"

Error smiled, as he than looked at Sans, and noticed that he is rather small compared to himself, as he than spoke out.

"W-W-Well, well, we-ell, it looks like you-oh are the shortest Sans that I-I-I have ever seen."

Error smiled, as he turned his head a little, his blue strings still holding onto Mecha, who is still trapped in the blue strings, as Error Sans spoke out.

"Bet that me-eans that you are the we-weakest one too, right kid?"

This made Sans a little angry, but than he smiled a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"Well, at least I have a much better look that you, jackass!"

This made Error shocked and unhappy, as Ravel and Atla than laughed at Error Sans due to the expression that he had madehe than spoke out.

"Wow, that is sup-super rude! For-or someone so-o short, you have a big mo-outh!"

Sans than spoke out.

"What can I say? I can't keep my mouth shut. Just as this thing won't keep its mouth shut up at well."

He points upwards, and Error looks up only to see an Abyss Blaster finishing charged up its attack, and hits Error, right in his own face, damaging him badly. This made him let go of Mecha, as he dropped down to the ground, and Mecha spoke out.

"Thanks, fluffy sans! I owe ya!"

Sans made a thumbs up, as he, Ravel, and Atla jumped backwards, as they looked at Error Sans, with Mecha Sans teleporting next to Sans, as Error spoke out.

" wanna fight, hu-uh?"

Now he sounds a little bit and, as Sans and Mecha glared, with Ravel and Atla feeling like they need to help Sans with this, as Error than spoke out.

"W-W-Well th-then, so be it. And I w-w-will enjoy-joy...RIPPING APART YOUR SOULS!!!!"

Error roared out, as he than summoned blue strings as fast as he can at the group, all from his fingers, as Sans spoke out

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Error roared out, as he than summoned blue strings as fast as he can at the group, all from his fingers, as Sans spoke out.


The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)Where stories live. Discover now