War Part 4

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With Groups 1 and 2, they are facing off in what is going to be the greatest fight for their lives, as all of them are looking up and are going against a large female entity with octopus tentacles that replaces his legs, which is other than Ten No Kami herself, who is looking down at the 2 groups. But more specifically, she is looking down at William, her former puppet, and now, her greatest enemy of all time, and this is something that she is last expecting to happen, and what she hoped would never happen to her in a very, very long tume.

 But more specifically, she is looking down at William, her former puppet, and now, her greatest enemy of all time, and this is something that she is last expecting to happen, and what she hoped would never happen to her in a very, very long tume

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Both Ten No Kami and William stared and glared at each other with rage present in both of them

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Both Ten No Kami and William stared and glared at each other with rage present in both of them. A fury that both sides cannot be able to extinguish, although it is for a different reason in both sides. For Ten No Kami, her rage is at the fact that Error404 has now become too powerful for her to control, and has now freed and revived his universe, and infused it with Abyss' universe, unable to be able to take control of the entirety of its citizens. For William, it is at the fact that Ten No Kami has been using him and enslaved him for far too long, and for using him as a puppet. And while yes, Error404 has done the same, that is simply because of the fact that he wanted to bring back the universe and the people that he loved back into his arms. While Ten No Kami does hate Error404, she is much more prideful and much more arrogant in what she does. But Error404...his hatred is simply beyond human limits. In fact, it is beyond any sort of limit that Error404 has never been able to limit with his mind. His hatred towards Ten No Kami, after all the hell that she had put him through, it is simony too much for Error404, for William to restrain for so long. He wants Ten No Kami to leave his life, and now...now...he is going to give her a good reason to get out of his life. And he will make absolutely sure about how much he hates her, and how much that he wants her to be gone. He steps forward, he than spreads his wings, the DNA Strands spinning around in the blue 4 pairs of wings, as he then flies up into the air as fast as he could, before he then swung his hand, and launched the Barbed Glitch Whip at Ten No Kami, who then raised her tentacles to try and protect her body from what Abyss Error404 has nearly tried to do to her. But needless to say, it hurts Ten No Kami really, really badly, as Ten No Kami than looks at Abyss Error404, who then spoke out to Ten No Kami. And the way that he spoke out to Ten No Kami...it sounds calm, and it sounds very pleasant, actually, alarmist as if he is sounding very happy to see an old friend. But behind that voice and the expression that he has on his face, which is of a smile...is a tone filled with pure venomous rage, that is very cold and freezing. Even though he does not have any ice powers...everyone, and even Ten No Kami, coins feel that the air around them has suddenly dropped in temperature, as Error404 looks at Ten menacingly.

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