Good vs Evil part 7

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Everyone was shocked at what they are seeing before them. They all could not believe what they were seeing before their eyes. Abyss and King Multiverse...they have both fused together into his new being. This entity...thus King is unlike any being that anyone has ever seen. His is so much more immense. Even more immense than Error404 at full power. And even more insane...the power within King is growing even more so than it did before, and he didn't even move.

Error404 and Error Sans looked in stunned silence, as they saw King Abyssverse. He has not even moved a muscle...until he began to raise his arms up, his palms facing the sky, as he than spoke out.

"I can feel it. This all-godly power coursing through my veins. Through our veins. Ever growing and all-controlling, overflowing with impure divine might. A Selfish heart yet a selfless cause. A desire to rule everyone, and a yet, a desire for independence. We are...a perfect king. The king of the Abyss, of the whole Multiverse, and you...Error404...will answer to our godly wrath."

He points his finger at Error404, as he finished his sentence. His is strong, yet gentle, cold, yet warm, controlling, yet protective, demanding, yet independent. 2 beings of opposite personalities, with extremely strong powers, now merged into this one single, most powerful King of the whole entire multiverse. But Error404 was not amused, as he than spoke out.

"It does not matter just how strong you are, King 'Abyssverse,' as you will fall to the God of the Multiverse's divine will!"

Error404 stepped back, as he than launched himself at King Abyssverse and unleashed a punch at the King himself. But Error404 was shocked, as King Abyssverse caught his fist, and only skidded back a few inches. King Abyssverse looked at his hand, and at Error404's fist, before looking at Error404 himself, as he than spoke out.

"Pathetic. Is that the best that you are capable of managing, William?"

Than, he threw Error404 away, and charged at him at incredible speed. Error404 looked to see what was about to happen, but it was suddenly too late, as King Abyssverse sends Error404 flying into the sky with an uppercut to the head, quickly. Than, a Stray Devil tried to attack King Abyssverse from behind in order to try and consume him to take his powers. But King Abyssverse has other plans. He points his hand at the Stray Devil, and spoke out.

"Abyss Chain of Judgement."

Suddenly, a Red Abyss Chain of Judgement, which was coming out of the portal along with the green one, reacted and stabbed the Stray Devil in the torso, in which this made the Stray Devil shriek in agony. But that is not all that King Abyssverse has done. He clenched his fist, and the Abyss Chain of Judgement glowed, as it began to suck the life out of the Stray Devil. After a whole minute, the Stray Devil looks like a mummified husk, as the red Abyss Chain of Judgement sucked every last bit of its life. King Abyssverse smirked, as he than snapped his fingers, and summoned a Gaster Blaster of its own. It resembles King's Blasters, with one half black and the other white, except that it has the Crystal ears, fangs, and the floating gem of the Gaster Abyss Blaster, with the gem resembling the Abyss Gem worn by King Abyssverse. It than fired, and it dealt incredible power, annihilating the corpse of the Stray Devil with just only one of the Abyss King's Blaster. When the attack was done, which lasted for 1 second, the body had turned into nothing more than ashes.

King Abyssverse than looked at where the others are at, as he than extended his hand towards them, and used the green Abyss Chain of Judgement. While he is selfish like King Multiverse, due to his desire to he praised and nothing more, he also inherited Abyss Sans' care for the people he is close to, and desires to make sure that they are safe. The Abyss Chain of chains appeared out of nowhere and a bunch of green Abyss Chain of Judgement circled around everyone, and they glowed, as the Abyss Chains of Judgement began to heal all of his allies. Everyone looked in shock, as they saw what was happening to them. Their wounds closing and healing, their clothing starting to be repaired. They looked at King Abyssverse, as they saw him extending their hand out to their direction. Although he had a cold, neutral face at first, once they had healed...his expression changed to a relived and happy expression. The Abyss side of this fused form is now showing, so very glad that his allies are okay, his loved ones have not died, and are still alive to see another day. But than, he looked at another spot...and saw Ganz and Cross having trouble with Killer and Dust, as their Level Of ViolencE is extremely high enough to take on them. King Abyssverse snapped his fingers, as he than spoke out.

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