The First Protector's Return

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Abyss the enemy that he decided to come back to him, Infected himself. He could not believe what had just happened, as he did not expect for Infected to come and find him this quickly, he felt shocked and horrified, but at the exact same time, he felt enraged at the fact that Infected had found him this quickly, and somehow located him on the Earth that he is in. Abyss, after getting over the shock, than shouted out to him in very enraged and irritated tone present.

" are you here?!"

Infected smiled, and this made Abyss Sans unnerved at what he is feeling, as Infected than spoke out to Abyss Sans in a soft spoke yet very disturbing tone of voice now coming out of his mouth.

"It's very simple, really. I recognized your soul, as it is far too unique to ever be missed. You could never guess how easy it was for me to find you. Your soul is so unique that once I sensed it, I instantly went to the direction of it. You are like a beacon for me to go to."

Abyss snarled, as Cross than spoke out.

"How can this be?! Abyss said that Omnipotent would find you!!"

Infected smiled, as he than spoke out.

"And he nearly did. But I was able to escape from him, by distracting him. I used one of my Wisps to blow it up in his face, and I was able to get away from him before he even knew I was there. And that is the end of your luck, Abyss...because now, your will become mine for me to consume and absorb into me."

Abyss snarled, as Cross than puts a hand on Abyss' shoulder.

"Well...that's too bad for you, because back than, Abyss only had Tint and Omnipotent to help you. But now he has me and the others. So jokes on you, pal, because this fight will be one you'll regret."

Delta and Ganz stepped forward, as Ink stepped forward as well, and Dream did the same, with Delta speaking out to Infected.

"Cross' right. Abyss ain't alone in this, pal. Because we are there for him!!"

Ganz stepped forward as well, and spoke out.

"So if you want to get to Abyss so badly, you're gonna need to get past up first. So bring it on, Infected!! Give us the best you can do here!! We'll take it and your powers, any day!!! Any way!!"

Ink points his Paintbrush at Infected, and spoke out to the First Murderer of the Multiverse.

"I believe you have something that belongs to a fellow creator friend of mine. It is time you take back what you had stolen from him."

Dream nodded, as he spoke out.

"We shall purge the evil from you!!!"

Infected thought that is funny, as he spoke out.

"If you all are done talking, than fine than, come at me, and I will rip the lives out of all of you!! Be consumed and become a part of me!!!!"

The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)Where stories live. Discover now