Ink and Abyss

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Ink and Abyss stepped forward, as they looked at Error, who is standing before them, ready to attack the both of them.

Ink and Abyss stepped forward, as they looked at Error, who is standing before them, ready to attack the both of them

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Both of them standing at the same height, Ink and Abyss walked towards Error, ready to fight against him, although, Abyss feels like this time, it will be a very different, news experience. Abyss, Ink, and Error stared at each other, and their scarves waved by the winds blowing onto them, as the eyes never left each other, as if they are expecting one of them to attack the other at any second. Black paint drips down from Ink's paintbrush, ready to use it's ability in case Ink needs to make someone that can prepare for the worst that Error is going to do to Ink and Abyss. Error snorted, like this is the funniest, or rather, the stupidest and more recurring thing he has ever seen, though admittedly, he has never fight against both Ink and Abyss side by side, as he than spoke out to both Abyss and Ink.

"Honest-nestly, I-I-I-I should be enraged by you both app-app-appearing before me. And yet...all I feel towards the both-both-both o-o-o-of you is petty annoyance."

Abyss and ink stopped walking and stood in front of Error, as Abyss spoke out.

"Honestly, I'm surprised to. You usually go out in a tirade and have a temper tantrum. But seeing this seems Error404 taught you well, made you mentally mature much more greater than before."

Ink than points his Large Paintbrush at Error, as he than spoke out to him.

"It's time to bring you down, Error, once and for all!!"

Error flexed his fingers for a bit, as he than spoke out.

"This-is-is time willlllllllllllll be different. I-I-I-I have much m-m-m-m-more power and tricks up my slee-eeve now."

The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)Where stories live. Discover now