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It has been about...a week...since that mission that Abyss had, along with Ravel and Ganyu. And needless to say, the mission had been a success for him and the other 2 girls that are with him.

According to his client, they were able to repel the enemies long enough for the village to have been able to find and create some new mining tunnels, and they discovered more ores down there. So thanks to the missions that Abyss and the others had done, they are able to save the village, allowing it to thrive a little more longer. And Abyss, thanks to this, was given a lot of currency, which allowed Abyss to move to the final stage of his plan. And thanks to the item that Lucida S. Serif had given to him, he is able to move to the final stage. And after he did all of that...he than was able to make a healing type of liquid. The liquid is the healing magic that he had been able to drain a little bit from each of the magical items, and combined, it will be enough for Abyss to use it in order to try and heal his brother from the wounds that he had received. He just needs to make sure that it is in a container that will not break and will not release the lid, even if he were to fall. And thankfully, Ravel was able to create something such as this, but this is only due to the fact that she had to infuse the magic within the bottle, in order to make it more durable, and if it were to break...than her magic will be force from return to her, and because of this, Abyss has to be careful with what he does, and how much of a fall that he will take.

With Ganyu...when it involves between Abyss and Ganyu...Abyss notices that Ganyu is being...odd...around him. She would often blush in his presence, and will speak in a rather nervous, hesitant tone to him, and he does not know why she is acting like that. He assumed that he did something wrong, but having a perfect memory of what he does, and how he watches himself, he realized that he did nothing wrong, and what she is doing is simply out of nowhere. He assumes it is due to timber fact that Ganyu is developing a crush on him, but that can't be right, due to the fact that Ganyu is like, thousands of years older than him. So why wound Ganyu, a lady that is so incredibly old compared to Abyss, would want to be with him? That would make no sense whatsoever. Besides, Abyss and Ganyu, they are just friends. It is not like they know each other that well to begin with anyway, so it would also be another reason for that to not make sense at all. Because of this, Abyss still tries to act normal around her, tries to treat her like the usual type, meaning as a friend, but Ganyu would still stutter, and sometimes, Abyss would even feel like Ganyu is trying to touch his hand, but he does not seem to notice this strange thing happening. Abyss and Ganyu are still friends...something happened. Yesterday...he notices and heard from a bunch of people and the councilors that Ganyu and the other members of the council, who she works with...they are apparently involved in something that involves the Adepti. He does not know why...but he notices that they are taking what seems to be much more harsher and more ruthless measures against them. He does not know why this is the case, but he knows that this sort of thing is not good, and that it will lead to something bad, maybe even another war, if this is not resolved peacefully. Because of this, he thinks that he will need to leave this place and never come back. But he is torn of having to leave Ganyu behind, due to the fact that she is his new friend, but he knows that Papyrus will not stay having to wait. Because of this, he made a choice to try and go back to his brother. While he knows how painful it is, to try and leave behind a friend, and having to leave her in a potentially bad situation...he just hopes that Ganyu would simply move on and look past him, so that he does not get in the way of her job.

So...with one last look at Ganyu...Abyss he than took out a piece of paper and a pen...before he than began to think of what to write down, for Ganyu to notice. As he does think of that, Alta Fayon spoke out to Abyss, as she 'looks' at the paper in his hand.

"What are you doing, Sans?"

Abyss looks up at Atla, as he than spoke out.

"I'm...writing one lady goodbye letter to Ganyu. If she decides to come by, and she notices that I am here...than I need her to understand as to why I need to leave. Of course, I cannot tell her about where I am going...or it will be something that will not be good, but I need her to hopefully, move on from me, and to her herself not be limited if her job, because of the bond that I share with her. is kind that I get to say goodbye to her, before I leave her behind, even if I am leaving this world forever."

The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)Where stories live. Discover now