Dead Cell Problems

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It has been...about a week, since the 5 female had been given an improvement in their powers. Yue, Kunou, Atla, and Ganyu, these 4 had managed to gain their new CELL Cores that replaced their SOULs, with Yue learning some new magic that made her even more powerful than ever before, after Cell, the Forbidden Conduit of Evolution, had went in and aided them, as due to the fact that he had seen something in the future that required their help. Although they have no idea who it is, it is likely that the situation is formed from a person, and the person responsible for the situation that will be in the future is also the person responsible for the attack of Anti-Flowey. And if that is the case, than it is crucial that they need to do something about this, and as soon as possible. But luckily, since they are able to gain CELL Cores, they are now much more powerful than before, and are continuing to grow in power than ever. So in this circumstance, they are able to make sure that they grow powerful enough for themselves to be strong enough to handle this entity.

Of course, Abyss, who had been aging with his own CELL Core since birth, he is still more stronger than the rest of them, at least, in terms of magic. So even though they are now much more stronger in terms of physicality and magic, Abyss is still stronger compared to them in terms of magic. Not to mention the fact that he knows how to use the CELL's Magic far more skillfully than the others. So, he is still stronger than them, and Papyrus would also be the most physically powerful of the others, due to him building physicality, and the fact that the CELL Core, even though it has been used in about what just have been 2-3 years, has still been evolving still, and since gaining his arms, it is able to transfer the power into his arms again, but is also trying to repair the legs, seemingly to transfer and increase the physicality of the legs in order to make Papyrus faster. But he has no idea how fast he will be once he fully heals from the wounds that he has. But he hopes that he can find more of the materials to make sure that Papyrus will be able to heal and be himself once more like he was back in the past.

And of course, the stack of Anti-Flowey was an incredibly horrifying alarm, especially with Template revealing the existences of other Multiverses besides the one that Abyss is in, and thus, Abyss realizes that there are more of those beings like Flowey here, and realizes that they need to prepare in case an entity from another Multiverse has decided to come and attack Abyss' home, as well as making sure that his home is safe from them.

Yumi and the rest of her Team, including Murakumo and Shiki, who have also gained CELL Cores, saw what had became of the other 5 girls, with Ganyu, Kunou, Atla, and Ravel becoming much more stronger than before, as well as the fact that they had to replace their souls with CELL Cores. And needless to say, they are immensely stunned at the fact of what had just happened to them, and they are curious to know how they managed to replace their souls and became like Abyss, in which the CELL Cores take the place of the souls. But the 4 of them revealed that they did not do it by themselves. In fact, someone connected to them had made CELL Cores of a design of his own, and used his power to replace their souls with the CELL Cores of their own. Of course, they did not reveal the identity, but Abyss, who looked at their faces, could deduce that it had something to do with him, but he cannot pin down what it is. So he decided to keep his mouth shut and not speak about it. After all, how they did it, it is a secret for them to keep and not his to infiltrate and look into.

Alphys has been looking into the CELL Cores of the 4 girls, and to her shock, the CELL Cores are not only increasing physical prowess, but also their supernatural powers as well, such as Chi, in Atla's case, Flames in the case of Kunou and Ravel, and ice in the case of Ganyu. The CELL Cores that Papyrus and Sans have, they are used for magic and physicality separately, and there never was a CELL Core with the 2 purposes fused together. So whatever made the CELL Cores also ended up being the reason that they are created this way. And even Abyss is stunned at this. He looks down at the CELL Cores inside of the bodies of his girlfriends, as he has no idea how to respond to something like this. He wonders if they are going to actually be like him, continuing to grow in power, and if they do, how strong will they be when all of what is happening is said and done. He knows that they will be powerful, but how strong to the extent is the question that he is wondering about right now. But it is obvious that they will not be as strong as him in terms of magic, due to having grown with the CELL Core, they will be physically powerful, more so than him, but not as much as Papyrus, who already possesses enough power to outclass them and effortless overpower the 4 girls. But he also wants to know how their souls are replaced without difficulty, due to the fact that within it souls, they are either dead or become empty emotionless husks. And the fact that the entity can do that without effort is proof of how powerful it is. And that is also more surprising when he did it to Ganyu of all people, and as people would know, Ganyu is a half human. So it is a wonder how she can be able to do this by the entity that had given her the CELL Core, although it is possible that her half Adeptus nature allowed her to go through this. So it is at least a good thing that she can do it, because she will be needed in what is yet to come, along with the others that have also been given the CELL Cores, and Abyss can count of the fact that they are needed in this.

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