100 - I Love You (Part 5)

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From Part 4:

"One last walk by the Thames to our hotel?" Magnus suggested and Alec agreed, so they walked by the Thames, got to the hotel and Magnus got their bags together before he created a Portal.

"Ready, Alexander?"

"With you here, I always will be," Alec answered, and the Shadowhunter's smile was enough for Magnus to tug him through the Portal. And they were in Venice.


Part 5 – Trouble In Paradise

They had Portalled straight to their hotel, landing just outside. In a quiet corner, a gap between the hotel and the building next to it, they undid their Glamour and Magnus stared for a minute, again, at the wonder that was Alec Lightwood.

Alec smiled, "Should we um go?"

"Y – yeah. What a wonderous idea, Alexander."

Magnus got their room's keys after signing in and led Alec right on the ground floor, to the last room. He then opened the door and both of them spilled inside, enjoying the warmth in the room. Alec shrugged out of his jacket and Magnus undid his waistcoat.

"Have we got anything planned for Venice?" Alec asked curiously, still exploring the massive hotel room, which consisted of a giant bed, a table and chair set, a sofa, a beanbag, and an elaborate bathroom.

"Not as such except the masquerade," Magnus said, sitting down on the sofa and gesturing for Alec to join him. Alec didn't waste a second in throwing himself down beside Magnus and immediately, he felt warm hands wrap around his waist. "But Venice is known for its canals and boats. Maybe I could treat you to a nice boat ride? And then we can get dinner? I mean, it's already three here, so that should work."

"That sounds lovely," Alec said, "I don't think I've ever been on a boat ride."

"Oh, they are just so fun!" Magnus exclaimed, "Just you wait."

"Well, I can't wait," Alec said, getting off the sofa, "Is it possible to go now?"

"Well," Magnus pretended to think, "Since you've asked, I suppose I can't really say no."

Alec smiled, gave his hands to Magnus, tugging him up and at that moment his phone went off. It was Jace. Alec couldn't help a grin form on his face; he had, through all the fabulous time with Magnus, missed his parabatai.

Magnus noticed who was calling and kissed Alec on the cheek: "I'll give you a minute, huh?"

"No, Magnus, it's fine, you can stay - "

Magnus laid a finger to Alec's lips, "I need to go to the toilet anyway."

Magnus danced away, and Alec attended the phone, his face still in a smile.

"Hey, buddy!" Jace exclaimed, "How's it going?"

"So good," Alec couldn't even tone down the happiness in his voice.

"Sounds like you're having a good time," Jace said, "So have you been getting out and about much or have you just been ruining all the beds?"

"Jace!" Alec screamed and he swore he could here Jace giggle. Alec then calmed his voice down. This was Jace. His brother and best friend and parabatai. He could be honest with him. "We haven't actually um done that yet."

"Wait. You haven't... You don't want to? He doesn't want to?" Jace sounded so confused that Alec felt himself cry a little on the inside.

"I – I want to," he admitted, "And I think Magnus does too. I mean when we um ah kiss, it's always um intense and it always feels like there's going to be more, but um, we don't."

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