Chapter 2

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Brooklyn paced the floor, Juliana watching

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Brooklyn paced the floor, Juliana watching.

Their morning had started out, she supposed, with the new normal. Breakfast, reading, and then being taken to training.  Brooklyn had been going through her paces, mindlessly, with Juliana sitting on the floor of the training room, out of range, when one of the agents came in and said they were on lock down and for the two to be returned to their cell.

Marcus had remained quiet on the walk back. She had wanted to probe him for answers.  Instead, she had kept her mouth shut, and watched everyone they passed in the halls.  Brooklyn realized she had not seen Rumlow at all today.  She was exceptionally pleased by this.  As far as she was concerned, the less she had to spend in Rumlow's presence the better.

Marcus was definitely a more preferable handler.  For all his newness, and his niceness, Marcus seemed to care what was going on with her and Juliana.  He had spoken up several times, during training, concerned with how hard the men sent to spar against her were going.  At one point, when a hit had landed on her face, he had jumped up to stop the sparing, only for her to snap out her fist and knock the attacker unconscious.

He had sat back after that.

Now, left in her cell with Juliana, cracking her knuckles against her jaw, the tension she could feel running through the facility setting her back up.  Lockdown didn't normally happen in the facilities, in her experience. They were only utilized when one of the test subjects broke out of containment, or when an outside threat was perceived. And as far as she was aware, the only three test subjects in the facility were Juliana, herself, and their father.  Then again, until last night, she would have placed bets on it just being her and her father.  Were there more?  More assets hidden away?

No.  Not likely. She thought to herself.  She may not be aware of everything that was going on in the facilities they had occupied over the years, but one thing she was certain of, they didn't freely give out the reward of female companionship to her father.

So, process of elimination.  It had to be an outside threat.

What threat could be so great that they would go into lock down?

She continued to pace, cracking her knuckles, and occasionally looking at Juliana.  The child had left off watching her older sister and had gone to sit down at the little table, coloring out scribbles with the crayons Marcus had brought them this morning.  If it was an outside threat, her first responsibility was to protect Juliana.  Second was to get to her father, as soon as she was able, if only to back him up in a fight. Brooklyn had been taught, almost from the first training session she had had as a child, to fight alongside her father.  To move when he did, and to take her fighting cues from him. 

That wasn't to mean she couldn't handle herself in a fight solo, just that she preferred to have him covering her back, as well as covering his. In time, if Juliana thrived under her care, her sister would be taught the same thing. 

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