Chapter 46

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Steve gently shook her awake. Her body still ached, from the remembered activities they had been doing, before she had napped. Yawning, she rolled over, snuggling into her pillow, trying to ignore him.

He chuckled, before stroking her bare shoulder. "Babydoll, we have to get up. We have to go get Juliana."

Brooklyn groaned. "Why?"

This time he full on laughed, hugging her from behind. "Because, she is our responsibility, and we love her, and we want to spend time with her?"

"I arranged to have her spend a few hours with the neighbors, if you want... more time?" She turned her head to look at him.

He bent over her, kissing her. "I would love nothing more. But I also missed her. How about, we go get her, and then have, what, two hours to ourselves? Then we bring her home for dinner, and do our usual Friday night activities. Movies, and ice cream?"

"What about homework?" She frowned. "I would bet that both of us have some."

Steve rested his chin on her shoulder, squeezing her tight. "I am willing to bend the rules, a little bit, tonight. Tonight, no homework. We can all do our homework, tomorrow, before dinner. We just can't make a habit of it."
Brooklyn considered this for a moment, then nodded. "I think I like that plan. Go get Jules, drop her off for a few hours, and then, Friday night activities."

"Good." He leaned down to kiss her again. "Still need to get up, though."

"Do I though? Can't I just lay here, and have Juliana magically appear?" Brooklyn batted her eyes at him.

"It doesn't work that way." He rolled over and got up off the bed. He readjusted his pants, which she realized he had never fully taken off, during their sex, before leaning over the bed to swat her bottom. "Get it in gear, Babydoll. The sooner we get her home, the sooner we can have a go at each other, again."

"It's not healthy." She griped, sitting up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.

"What's not healthy?" He asked, scratching at his stomach, grinning at her.

She glared at him. He knew what he was doing. "The amount of sex we have."

He stopped, looking at her in surprise, before he burst out laughing.

"What?" She demanded, standing up.

"It's just... Babydoll, we haven't seen each other in a few days. We are still in the early stages of our sexual relationship. And we both have fantastic stamina. I think the amount we have is perfectly healthy. In fact, I think we could do it more, and it still be considered healthy." He reached up, scratching at the back of his head, smiling at her.

"You only think that, because you have a penis." She accused, grabbing the bathrobe off the back of the door, slipping it on, before stomping across the hall to the bathroom.

"What?" The shock was evident in his voice, as she shut the bathroom door.

Brooklyn turned on the faucet in the sink, hitting the drain stopper as soon as the water started getting warm. Reaching for the wash cloth hanging on the rack, she lifted her leg, propping her knee on the counter. "I said, you think that, because you have a penis! Is your hearing going, in your old age?"

She heard the door creak softly as she reached for the soap, dropping the wash cloth into the water, getting it wet, grabbing it and wringing it out, reaching down with one hand to wash herself. "Are you leaning against my door?"

"Yeah." He chuckled. "Are you saying that I am thinking that we have a healthy sex life, because I have a penis? That is the argument you want to make?"
"I am saying, that you thinking we should have more sex, is because you have a penis." She reached for the soap, putting just a bit on the corner of the wash cloth. She had read online that soap was to be used sparingly, on genitals, because it might kill off the natural flora (she wasn't sure what that was) that her vagina created. Rubbing the soapy corner along herself, she snapped out, "If I said that, most people would consider me to be of bad moral character."

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