Chapter 96

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Steve grinned, bending down to kiss her, holding her close. Pulling away, he reached up, brushing hair out of her face. "You're gonna be my wife?"

"I'm gonna be your wife." She nodded, grinning back. "If you still want me to? I mean I know I haven-"

He cut her words off with his lips again, inhaling as he did so, and she couldn't help the thrill that shot through her. He gripped her with one hand at the small of her back, while holding her head with the other. "You did what you needed to. You had to make the choice that was right for you. And yeah, I'm not gonna lie, there were times when you had me sweating hard over it. But you decided to keep me. To make me yours. So, yeah.. it was worth it, in the end."

"I wasn't going to get rid of you!" she protested, as he used his grip on her back to lift her off the arm of the couch. She swung a leg up, wrapping it around his waist. "You were always going to be mine."

"Yeah, but now?" He grinned as he began moving through he apartment. "Now? Now, you get to tell the whole world about it. You get to declare to anyone who ever asks, that I belong to you. Legally. I mean, really legally. We have to sign documents and everything."

"Wilson says I cant own people." She sighed, starting to tug at the clasps and hooks and zippers that held his suit onto him. "It's in the constitution."
"You can own me, because I say you can own me." He paused, looking down at her hands. "And what do you think you are up to?"
"I thought I lost you." She whispered. "I need you inside me, to remind me that you're still alive. That I didn't lose you..."

He slowly dropped to his knees. Once he was stabilized, she dropped her leg from around his waist, landing on her own knees, while her hands returned to tugging at his suit.

"Hey." He cupped her face with both hands, making her look at him. She paused, reaching up with one hand to touch his cheek under his eye. "I'm here. I'm here, and I'm not gonna go anywhere. I'm gonna marry you, and we are gonna have such an amazing life together, Babydoll. You'll see... I'll make it happen. I'm gonna keep you and Juliana safe. I'm gonna build us a life, one so wonderful that you won't ever have to worry."

She nodded, finding the opening to the front of the suit, pulling on it. "Steve... I love that. All of that. I want all of that... but right now? Right this moment? I need you to fuck me. I need you to work me over, until I know this isn't a wonderful dream that I'm making up in my head. Okay? Do you think you can do that?"

He nodded, bending down his head to press another kiss to her. "I can. I can do that, Babydoll."

He helped her strip the harness off of him, the shield making a ringing sound as it hit the floor, before their hands worked to strip the top of his battle suit off. It was followed by his undershirt, and she felt a noise leave her when she saw the marks that painted his torso.

"Oh, god." she reached out, brushing on on his stomach, and he curled away from it. She quickly pulled her hand away. "I'm sorry!"

"No." He reached down, taking her hand and pressing it against his blazing skin. "It was just a bit ticklish, that's all. I'm fine, Brooklyn."

"You're bruised to hell and back." she accused, looking up at him. "is that a bruise on your face? What the hell, Rogers!"
"I..." He took a deep breath, looking a bit sheepish. "I didn't wear my helmet."
Brooklyn blinked, then reached up and slapped him upside his head, making him give out a groan. "You fucking idiot! While I constantly question Stark's ability to make good choices, I have faith in his fucking ability to make armor! That fucking helmet was designed to keep your fucking last three brain cells safe! And you decided to go into battle without it? Motherfucking dipshit! I swear to fucking god! It's an absolute fucking miracle you're still fucking alive!"

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