Chapter 15

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It was the odd feeling of being watched, that woke Steve from his sleep. He shifted on the unfamiliar bed, with an unfamiliar but not unwelcome weight against his side. Opening his eyes, he was met by the deep blue ones of one Juliana Barnes.

Juliana was kneeling by the edge of the bed, her chin resting on the mattress, arms folded, staring at him intently, her little brow folded by a confused frown.

"Morning, Sweetheart." He grumbled; his voice rough from sleep.

"Why are you in bed with Lyn?" she asked, frown deepening. "Did you have a sleep over, and not ask me to join?"

He turned his head, looking at Brooklyn. Her face was puffy, from the crying she had done in her sleep, her head snuggled against his chest, breathing deep. Looking back at Juliana, he pursed his lips in thought.

"We didn't plan it. Brooklyn had a rough night, after you went to bed, she started crying; I was trying to make her feel better. We just fell asleep. That's all." He tried to explain.

"Why was Lyn crying in front of you. She never cries where people can see." Juliana stood up and folded her arms across her chest. "Did you make her cry?"

"No." He started to pull his arm out from under Brooklyn, who shifted, whining in her sleep as she resettled on the bed, without him. Sitting up, he rubbed his face, before standing and putting his hand on Juliana's shoulder. "Let's go into the living room and let your sister sleep."

Juliana eyed him, her frown firmly on her face, but obeyed, leaving the bedroom. Steve paused, to make sure Brooklyn was covered up by the blanket and brushed some hair out of her face. Leaning down, he pressed his lips against her temple, before pressing his forehead against it. "Sleep, Babydoll. I'll be back."

She shifted in her sleep, whining again, but settling down into the blankets.

Steve rubbed his face again, leaving the bedroom, closing the door, leaving a crack as he walked into the living room. Juliana was in the kitchen, and he could hear her muttering, as she messed with something. Concerned, Steve entered the kitchen, raising his eyebrows when he realized the little girl was trying to fuss with the coffee machine.

Sensing that he was in the kitchen, the little girl whirled around and ran at him, pushing against his stomach with outstretched hands. She bounced off of him, but rushed at him again, trying to make him move.

"Juliana, Sweetheart..." He tried to grab her, to avoid her hurting herself, but she pulled away, and folded her arms across her chest, frowning angrily up at him.

"What did you do to Lyn?" She demanded. "Lyn never cries!"

"I didn't do anything to her." Steve spoke calmy.

"SHE NEVER CRIES!" Juliana stomped her feet. "She forgot the coffee machine! She never forgets the coffee machine!"

"Hey, Sweetheart, calm down." He soothed, reaching out with a hand.

"NO!" she slapped his hand away. "How did you hurt Lyn? I won't let you hurt Lyn!"

"Hey, hey!" He tried again to reach out to her, but she launched herself at him, beating at his stomach with her little fists.

"No one hurts Lyn! Not anymore! Not even you!" Juliana kept hitting at him, her breath starting to hiccup. "I don't want you here if you are gonna hurt Lyn!"

"Okay, that's it." Steve had had enough. Picking the struggling girl up, he placed her on the counter, before bracketing her with his arms and leaning down. She pushed at his shoulders, but he stood firm, refusing to move. "I did not hurt your sister. She found out some things, things the bad people did to her. And she got very angry, and very sad. And she started to cry. But I did not hurt her. I promise."

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