Chapter 100

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It wasn't like the movies, the TV shows. They didn't run down the aisle and burst through the doors of the Church into the sunlight, then drive away. Steve led her down the aisle Pops had escorted her up, and into a side door, in the Narthex. It wasn't the same room Brooklyn had gotten ready in, but a side office, with a podium, and religious iconography and artwork hung on the walls. A small window let in the sunlight, cutting through the dimness of the room. She tossed the bouquet and the rosary on the seat of an armchair.

"Mrs. Brooklyn Rogers." Steve stated, as he turned her around to face him, catching her by the waist, bending his head to kiss her again. "My Mrs. Brooklyn Rogers."

"You belong to me, legally, now." She grinned against his lips, her heart feeling so light. "I own you. I took ownership of you, in front of everyone who matters."
"You did." He nodded, pulling her in close, careful of her dress. "And... I'm so happy. It's like... nothing could bring me down, right now. Ten feet off the ground, Babydoll. That's how you make me feel."

She purred, resting her head on his chest, ignoring the poking of the hair pins. "No one is gonna take you away from me, now. They can't. You're my...oh god... you're my husband."
"Yeah." his voice vibrated her ear. "That's what happens when you get married. You gain a husband, and I gain a wife. Gain. Get. Be given."
She purred again, closing her eyes.

"Now, we just have to sign the license, and get that legality out of the way, and then off to the reception. A little dancing, a little food, a little cake... and then we can go off for our wedding night."

"And then your surprise honeymoon." She grumbled slightly, still not sure about the surprise part of the honeymoon. "Are you gonna tell me, now?"
"Nope." He chuckled. "Just trust me. You're gonna love it. I thought really long and hard, before it came to me. And once it just seemed like the natural choice."
"Uh huh." she sighed. "How much did you hurt yourself, with all that thinking?"
"Oh, Babydoll... when I get you to the hotel, I'm gonna make you regret that." His voice was happy. "Just wait. It's gonna be so much... fun."
"Well, we haven't had a chance to really play in a while. There's been too much going on." She nodded, just enjoying this moment of peace, after all the hustle and bustle since she had woken up that morning. It had seemed like the minute she had opened her eyes, everything had been set at a racer's pace. "But... like you promised, weeks of just the two of us."
"And I have so many ideas." He hummed. "I've been making lists."
"Dangerous." She comments.

They fell silent, enjoying each other's company, in that dim little office, until they were joined by the Priest, Nat and Wilson.
"Well." the Priest sighed, seeing them. "Honestly, not the worst thing I have found a newly married couple doing in this room. But... paperwork, first."

Brooklyn took a deep breath, before stepping away from Steve, reaching up to adjust the veil, so it wasn't about to fall in her face.

The priest sighed again, before walking past them, going over to the small podium. "Now. The license."
He placed the official paper on the podium, before reaching under his chasuble, and into his cassock. He pulled out an ornate ink pen, unscrewing the top. "So, we get this signed, and then someone, usually the family of the bride or the best man, files it. I do know some couples wait, to file it, until they return from their trips. Each to their own. This is the requirement of the State of New York. Not the Church. Your documents with us have already been signed and filed. So, even if you delay filing your license with the State, the Church still recognizes your marriage as binding."
She looked up at Steve, who was doing that rocking thing that indicated he was thinking, and not happy with what his mind was coming up with. "Steve?"
He looked down at her, shaking his head. "Nothing to worry about, Babydoll."

She frowned, but nodded.

The Priest offered the ink pen to Steve. "Captain Rogers?"

Steve took the pen, stepping up to the podium, leaning down slightly to sign his name on the line the priest was pointing to, before stepping back and offering the pen to Brooklyn.
"And here, Mrs. Rogers." The Priest tapped another line, waiting for her to sign.

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