chapter 47

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Brooklyn was standing outside the school, hiding from the rain that had been a constant for the past week. It was the day they had signed up for Parent/Teacher conferences. And Steve was not yet here. She had made arrangements for Juliana to spend the weekend with Kitty and Mr. Marino, giving Steve and her the time together. And since it was Friday, she felt especially happy about that. Juliana had been going half days, since Tuesday.

She frowned, when she saw the car he had basically taken over as his own, from Stark, come to a stop in one of the parking spots near the playground. He climbed out, his light jacked unzipped, despite the rain coming down. His dopey grin told her he was happy to see her.

"you're late." She informed him, standing underneath the umbrella, frowning.
Steve sighed, running a hand through his wet hair. "I'm sorry. I got caught up in paperwork. And traffic."

"Mhm." She shook her head. "Well, it's okay, I guess. Mr. Blackwell is running behind schedule, as well. Apparently not everyone wants to hear that their precious little genius is not on the fast track to being the next Tony Stark."

Steve shook his head. "Good thing we don't have to worry about that. We don't need another Tony Stark in the world. Our girl is going to be going to college. And to learn. Not to do all of that... other stuff, that I've been hearing about."

Brooklyn snorted. "Please. I go to college to learn."

"Yeah." He ducked under the umbrella, looking down at her with narrowed eyes. "And to collect boy's numbers."

She groaned. "I shut him down, Steve. As soon as I realized he wasn't talking about a study group."

"Not before he tried to ask you out on a date." He reminded her. "Not so happy about that, Babydoll."

Stepping back, letting the water from the umbrella drain on him, she grinned up at him. "Oops."

He ducked his head under the cold trickle. "Dirty tricks."

"Yeah. I wasn't raised to win by playing by the rules." She shook her head. He gave her a slow smile, approaching her. "Steve...."

"You want to play dirty, Brooklyn? I can play dirty." He grinned, darting forward, reaching for her.

She shrieked, dropping the umbrella and dashing out into the rain, splashing through the puddles, laughing, as she tried to avoid him. Eventually he grabbed her by the waist, lifting her up and throwing her over his shoulder. She laughed, slapping at his back.

"Put me down, Steve! The other parents will see!"

"Don't think so, Babydoll." He slapped her lightly on the backside. "I told you, if you wanted to play dirty, we could play dirty."

He strode forward, full of his captainness. She had to snort at how he kept his back straight, as if he was marching, as if for inspection. She could hear the splatter of water, from a rusted drain spout. Looking over her shoulder, she gasped, and began to wiggle, trying to get away.

"Steve, don't you dare!" She pushed at his shoulders, thinking that maybe it would be better to just roll over his shoulder, down his back.

He wrapped his arm tightly around her thighs, pinning her in place. "Dirty girls get washed off."

He suddenly turned, backing up laughing, as he made sure her head was under the leaking drain spout. Ice cold water doused the back of her head, making her give a short scream, before she started trying to avoid it. It lasted all of a minute, but it was enough to soak her hair. Steve stepped forward, patting her on the thigh.

"Had enough? Ready to apologize?" He asked over his shoulder at her.

"Eat my shorts, Rogers!" She laughed.

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