Chapter 85

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Steve returned within an hour. The prescription had been called into the closed pharmacy, and it had apparently been filled and ready before he even walked in the door. On top of it, he didn't have to pay. The pharmacy owner had simply waved him on, asking him to pass on his hope for a swift return to health for Queenie's sister.
He shook his head, as he told this to Brooklyn, causing her to laugh under her breath at his resignation. The pharmacy owner had also suggested a few more items to make the ordeal easier, for all concerned. Things like a two-way monitor, so the adults might be able to get sleep while still having an ear out for any distress the little girl might have. A small humidifier, in case Juliana became too stuffed up to breathe easy. A small heated pad, to make muscles sore from being sick find relief. Steve had also picked up a stuffed animal, with the ability to be put into the microwave, to add additional heat to a shivering little girl, if needed.

It was also scented with lavender.

It was touching, the look of hope and nerves, on Steve's face, when he presented everything he had brought home to her. It helped to ease the fear that still had a grip on her, with Juliana so sick.

It sure as hell earned him a kiss and a bone-crushing hug, which he eagerly returned. And it might have gone further, if Wilson hadn't cleared his throat to remind them that he was, unfortunately at that moment, still in the room.

Wilson had cooked up a small dinner, pork chops, and rice with vegetables on the side, which was ready by the time Steve had returned. For a moment, all three adults looked at each other, not really knowing what to do.

The medication that Dr. Gibson had given to Juliana before he left was working. The girl was still coughing slightly, but it wasn't the great wracking hacks that had been stealing her breath for the better part of the day. She was even asleep, which Wilson was quick to inform her was really needed if the little girl was to make it out of the woods.

Steve, still dirty from where ever he had been with the Avengers, had gently suggested they take the time to eat and get themselves cleaned up. Maybe even try to get a few moments of sleep themselves, in case it was a long night. Reluctantly, Brooklyn had agreed. So, while Wilson dished up the dinner, and Brooklyn took her seat at the table, Steve grabbed the monitor, informing them as he headed towards the hall, that he was going to set it up so they could keep an ear out for Juliana. He returned shortly, the receiver in his hand, the hitching sound of Juliana's breathing coming statically through it. He glanced at it, before putting it at Juliana's spot at the table, a soft smile on his face as he did so.

She sat at the table, poking at the food on the plate that Wilson had put in front of her, after much encouragement from both men. She wasn't hungry. She wasn't even tempted by the food, even though the pork chop was moist, and perfectly cooked. She would pick up a piece, put it in her mouth, and not even notice the spices or flavors used.

Finally, she put the fork down and pushed the plate away.

Steve paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. "Everything alright, Babydoll?"

"I'm not hungry." She explained, apologetically to Wilson. He had gone through so much trouble, too.

"Mrs. Carmine stopped by." Wilson nodded. "She brought over some soup. She also brought over some more of those cakes you like. The colored ones?"

"Italian rainbow cakes." Brooklyn supplied, dully.

"Yeah. Those. She also brought over some of that cream cake that Juliana likes. For when she gets better." Wilson paused. "You want me to get you some of the soup?"

"I'm not hungry." She reiterated, standing up. "I'm sorry. I just... I don't want to eat anything."

"Brooklyn." Steve set his fork down, reaching for her hand. "Just... can you eat a little more? Please?"

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